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Photo Credit : That's Love |
So, for a few minutes, relax in your sitting, open your heart and let go with me in this little journey of Love.
What is going to happen on December 21, 2012 at 11:11 am ?
Before talking about Love, let's answer this nagging question : "What is going to happen next Friday ?"
The short answer : nothing
A bit longer answer would be this : we can't say that nothing will happen tomorrow or any coming day, since nobody can predict the future. Since Live is unpredictable. We can't either assert that nothing will happen since many events happy or unhappy happen everyday in every corner of the world. But if the question is about the prophecies predicting disasters which may end Life on planet Earth, the answer is clearly NO. There is no scientific evidence, religious indication or spiritual clue associating the date of December 21, 2012 with any disaster. So there is absolutely no reason to fear any catastrophe next Friday or any other day.
But the french proverb says "Il n'y a pas de fumée sans feu" (There is no smoke without fire). If there is anything to fear why all this mess in Internet ? Why am I talking about this date here ? Concerning Internet there is always ill persons who have interests in provoking fear and terror in innocent people. They have various agendas. Some are aiming to controlling human beings by propagating fear. Other have pecuniary goals : selling books, kits, shelters and many stuffs to "be prepared" for the doomsday. Of course this is all nonsense for me but marketing strategies for others.
Personally I love talking about this date of December 21st, 2012, since it symbolizes a beginning of a new cosmic era, an Era of Harmony and Love. The great cycle of 26000 years in the Mayan calendar ends this day and another cycle starts. Many scientists, scholars, religious leaders and spiritual teachers agree that humanity has to make a clear choice now : If we continue in our current trend exhausting natural resources and killing each others, we are heading to our own extinction. If we choose to change our life paradigms from War to Peace and from Earth Destruction to Harmony with Nature, we will be able not only to survive as a species but to thrive and go forward in human evolution. And what is the key behind the new paradigm of "Peace and Harmony with Nature" ? It is LOVE. And this why I would like to talk about Love today.
What is Love ?
In the free dictionary, the love is defined as "1- A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person" and as "2- A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair". These are beautiful definitions approaching some manifestations of Love, but my preferred and own definition of Love is : "Love is the Feeling of Oneness" Let me illustrate this definition by living situations. When you love a pet or a human being you like to hug and kiss it/him. Hugging is a try to merge physically with the beloved one. We can also notice that in sex, or "love making", there is also a desire to "penetrate" and to dissolve in the other person. So behind the physical manifestations of love, there is a strong feeling of oneness inducing an innocent, yet naive, desire to be physically one with the object of love. Hence my preferred definition of "Feeling of Oneness".
The Oneness feeling is the strong form of love : we lose our individuality and we merge in our beloved. We are dissolved and we form a single being with the beloved. But there is also a less strong feeling of Oneness : sometimes it is felt and expressed by words designating a part or an internal organ of our body : heart, liver, baby, etc. Heart is a common expression; what about liver ? in Moroccan language for example we can say "q'bitti" (my little liver) to express a love situation ! "Baby" is used with reference to a baby in mother's womb : it is an integral part of the mother's body.
So the first keyword in my definition is "Oneness", the second keyword is "Feeling". Love is not a concept in the mind, it is a feeling. Since it is not a concept we can't grasp it by defining it using words. The word "Oneness" in my definition of Love is not "Love", it is just an indication or an invitation to feel Love. So to have a little glimpse of love dear reader, close you eyes after reading the current sentence, and try to remember a situation when you met a beloved being after a while or the moment when you were going to leave your beloved; then try to relive the moment when you hugged her/him/it. In this moment, the time stops, your body is flood by an indescribable energy, tears come to your eyes, your body is shaken by vibrations and then it is followed by a deep stillness and a desire that this moment lasts for eternity. You had experienced Love.
The New Era of Love
In the Love's definition above, "Feeling of Oneness", it lacks the object of Love. I firstly defined Love as "Feeling of Oneness with a Being", then I removed "with a being" in my definition. Why ? Since it will restrict the scope of Love. The true Love has no borders, no object : it is an unconditional flowing Love towards anything, without distinction. Let's see this in more details.
The main objective of our journey in this planet is to learn "Love". In primary stages of our evolution we had to learn Love in easy situations : love of our family, parents, children, wives and husbands, etc. It is easy to love them since there is a concrete link with those persons facilitating the feeling of oneness : blood, physical similarity, etc. Then came the second stage of love : your neighbour, your city or country fellow, etc. Then came the ultimate Love expressed in Gospel and in Quran :
Matt. 5:44 But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you...
وَلَا تَسْتَوِي الْحَسَنَةُ وَلَا السَّيِّئَةُ ادْفَعْ بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ فَإِذَا الَّذِي بَيْنَكَ وَبَيْنَهُ عَدَاوَةٌ كَأَنَّهُ وَلِيٌّ حَمِيمٌ ﴿41:34﴾(41:34) (O Prophet), good and evil are not equal. Repel (evil) with that which is good, and you will see that he, between whom and you there was enmity, shall become as if he were a bosom friend (of yours).
These words are not new but the humanity didn't really understand them. This Love of "the enemy" was understood and applied by a few minority but most of human being saw in this wise recommendation just a poetry they don't apply in their day to day life.
This was the era we are going to leave : an era of hatred, wars and enmity towards Life. What does Love should mean in this dawn of the new era of humanity ? It should be a Love without any object. Loving your family is no more sufficient. Loving your country is no more good enough. Even loving your enemy is still below the expectations of the new Era. Our Love should be without any object, it should be an unconditional flowing Love. Hence my definition "Feeling of Oneness" without specifying any object of Love. Yes you could Love other human beings, animals, trees, Earth, etc, but all this Love is just a part of real Love : Unconditional flowing Love, which means a strong feeling of oneness with everything in the Universe.
December 21st, Day of Love
I think humanity is now ripe for the new kind of Unconditional Love : a strong feeling of Oneness with everything. This feeling is a direct consequence of awareness. When we are fully aware, there is no borders between us and anything in the Universe, animate or inanimate. Even the so called enemies are just unconscious beings still trapped in the jail of their mind; but their true being is not separate from us. How could exists an enemy if we are feeling really a unity with everything ? Yes, for example, Hitler and other dictators are mad, cruel and unconscious human beings. But, do you think they would done what they did if there weren't millions of unconscious human beings supporting them ? and many others millions hating them ? All this madness of war and extermination of innocent people is the result of our own collective unconsciousness. We can change this situation by being aware of our own madness and dissolve it. Then the separation from others will dissolve gradually and the more it dissolves the more the feeling of Oneness/Love will increase. In the new era of humanity we should not support any mischief deeds neither from our enemies nor from allies. The unconditional Love don't recognise any country, religion or any kind of separation. Any separation is against Oneness, hence against Love.
The global awareness among human beings is spreading these last years at unprecedented scale. So the new Era of Love and Harmony has already started but we will celebrate its dawn, symbolically, in four days, next Friday December 21, 2012.
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