Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The New Earth and The Silence of The Sages

The New Earth
Source photo : http://wallpaperswide.com/
As the date of December 21, 2012 is approaching, I noticed that some great spiritual teachers are becoming silent : no events, no communication, no statement, no explanation. For example, Adrian P. Cooper entered into silence since October 30th. Kiesha Crowther, The Little Grandmother "disapears" since june 2012 and canceled all events supposed to be held in november and december 2012. Eckhart Tolle's website advises us to stay informed but there is no event scheduled. Finally, Swami Rajneesh,  his mystery school is not held since November 2010. What could be the meaning of this silence ? What are we supposed to do in the meanwhile ? are two questions that this article try to give some hints to answer.

1- The New Earth

The earth as we know it is dying. Upon The Global Footprint Network, to satisfy current humanity demands of natural resources and ecological services, we should have 1,5 planet Earths. If all human are consuming like north Americans, we should have 5 planets ! But we have only one planet Earth ... And we are killing her. If we continue as we are doing today, all earth resources will be exhausted bye the year of 2030 and our planet will definitely die. All Earth blinkers are red : Oceans, Forests, Wild Life, all is collapsing at unprecedented scale. At the human level, all man made systems are collapsing : economic crisis, wars, etc. Moreover, man seems to be unconscious about what really he is doing. The Experts, the Specialists don't agree even on the diagnostic, how can they  agree on solutions ? The politicians and businessmen, short term minded, are unable to make the rights decisions.

This is why many sages are talking about New Age, New Earth. Since the old can not continue. He is already dying. Many sages see also in the coming December 21, not only the beginning of a new cycle of the long Mayan calendar, but also a symbolic date of the beginning of the New Age. The birth of the New Earth. Many metaphors are being used, "poles shifting", "Fifth Dimension Lifting", etc. All agree that there is two possible outcomes :

  • Humankind will fail in this transition. After unthinkable suffering, Earth will die and all mankind with her.
  • Humankind will success and start a new era based on Love and Oneness with Nature. 
These two possibilities are not two alternatives, if one occurs the other is excluded. Probably both will occur together and are going on already now ... How could that be possible ? The next paragraph is a try to put this possibility into simple words ...

2- Vibration levels

It is well known to human science today that all the universe is some kind of vibrations. At quantum level, the building blocks of matter are energy waves, vibrating at tremendous and imperceptible frequencies. What human science has not yet known is that there are many many other subtle and also higher vibrations. The same reality can be perceived at many levels of vibrations. Our body-mind has a level of vibration allowing him to perceive the World around him, the matter, etc. But we can raise the vibration of the body-mind and access other levels of reality. The highest level of energy is Love Energy, which is sustaining and pervading the whole Universe. This energy is not only beyond the detection capabilities of our instruments but also beyond our current understanding.

It seems also that Earth, as a living entity, has its own consciousness, its own vibration level; and can raise it spontaneously or helped by some very caring superconsciousness. Extra Terrestrial intelligence or soul volunteers incarnated on earth  are usually believed to be those supercounsciousness helping us, Earth and human beings, in raising our vibration levels. 

What happens to an entity, be it a human being or a planet, when this entity raises its level of vibration ? It has access to another reality, richer, brighter and infinitely better ! It is like making a leap from one dimension to another one ? Can we, for example compare a line (1D) with an area (2D) or this latter with a 3D space ? No, there is no way to compare them with measurable entities. With each dimension, we access an infinitely richer reality. This is why, often, the 5th dimension metaphor is used to bring to our understanding the quantum leap which happens when an entity raises its vibration level. 

So, firstly, when an entity raises its vibration, it accesses a far more richer reality. Secondly, the entity may disappear from the lower reality... I'll give an example to help understanding this second idea. In deep meditation, some persons feel they are levitating, the gravity has no more effect on them. When they open their eyes, they find they are still sitting on earth. As soon as they close their eyes, the levitation feeling comes again. But some meditators, not only they feel levitating, but their body also levitate a few centimeters above the ground. So in the former case the meditator has accessed another reality but still his body is on Earth. In the latter case, the body has also accessed the higher reality and leaves the lower one ...

3- The silence of the sages

Let's go back to Earth and our sages being silent. If Earth and many human beings are now, and since a couple of years ago, are continuously and increasingly raising their vibrations, they may have already accessed another realm, another richer reality ... They can also, and they probably have the choice to disappear from our common reality ! What are the consequences of these statements :
  • Since we are still on Earth, we can conclude that even if Earth, as a living entity, has already "levitated" to a supra dimension, it has left her "body" with us. Thanks mother Earth ! The sages who have disappeared recently may also have accompanied the Earth in her ascension and left us behind ... Or they may, by compassion, have stayed with us even if they have already accessed to the higher dimension. They are silent but they are still with us. 
  • We can now understand how the two scenarios described earlier in this article can coexist : an earth with suffering and ultimately death coexisting with a new Earth with Love and Oneness. This is possible if Earth and some human beings raise their vibrations and access another dimension, while the "body" of Earth stay with some other human beings not able to raise their vibrations.
  • We can also deduce an amazing consequence : Mother Earth can "liberate" herself by causing some violent cataclysm in her "body". All the humans who already joined her in the upper dimension and have disappeared from our reality, are not affected. But the others died. And the Earth can be liberated and make her "body" join her in the upper dimension ! For The Universe, the death of those humans is not a big problem. They can reincarnate in another planet more suitable for them. Since they are not loving they can continue fighting each others for eons until they wake up. Whereas Earth, now becoming a paradise, can be inherited by those who choose Love. Unconditional Love.
So the silence of the sages could be explained in two manners :
  • They have already joined the New Earth in another reality and left us behind.
  • The New Earth is already a reality. The sages are already in higher vibration levels. But still, by compassion, they stay with us.
I personally feel that the second explanation is the right one. But why are they silent while approaching the date of 21 December 2012 ? 

As said earlier, Earth is receiving since a couple of years Love Energy vibes and it is going crescendo until next 21 December. Another cycle will start but the showering will probably continue. As stated above, the New Earth may be already a reality and some people have probably already joined the new Earth. But many sages stay still with us to be human channels to broadcast energies coming to the earth. Until the last moments they will probably be there to help the largest amount of human beings to make the Shift of Consciousness. Since we are in the final straight, it is no more the time of words. It is the time of meditation, of silence and prayer.

4- We can do it

It is not late to save our Mother Earth and all human beings living on her. It is yet possible to create a new paradise on Earth, to build a new world of Love and Oneness with Mother Earth, with Nature and with the Universe. Why is it yet possible ? The most difficult challenge is not to overcome the harm we made to our Mother Earth. Everything can be reversed. We can clean oceans, repopulate wild life, replant forests, find clean and virtually infinite sources of energy, we can wipe poverty and diseases from earth, etc. But the big challenge is man itself. Man today is violent against Live. Man is destroying himself. Man has made madness, hate and greed his true religion. But the energy of Love is tremendous, far more powerful than the energy of hate or greed. If we attain a "critical mass" of human being who are pure Love; who feel deep in their heart that they are one with all living beings on this earth, we can reverse all the hate in the world into Love and all the greed into altruism. What is this "critical mass" ? 10% ? 30% ? or 50% of world population ? In this matter the quantity does not matter. If a few persons with huge amount of love are there, they can balance all other human beings in earth. 

So what are we supposed to do to help establishing the New Earth, the New Era of Love and Harmony ? Here are some guidelines :
  • Be Love. Unconditional Love. Showering our Love on every thing, every living being in this earth and in the universe. 
  • Never be discouraged. Love will ultimately win. We will save almost all human beings on Earth. I know we can't force anyone to be saved if he want to die or to stay in his mind jail. The freewill is an Universal Law that we should respect. But we can still love unconditionally until the last breath ...
  • Join our meditations, our prayers to those beautiful beings already helping us and channeling love energy to Earth. There is no little or great soul, we are all equal expressions of God, we have all a tremendous power, an unthinkable power. Since it is unthinkable and we are in the mind, we miss this power. But we should persevere and participate with the amount of awareness we have. By doing so, we will multiply the number of relays channeling Love energy in our World. The New Earth will become closer and closer. And our awareness bigger and bigger.
  • Never let the fear enter our heart. We are the strong souls chosen by God, The Universe to be in earth in this critical era of Earth history. You should not fear anything. We will win and end up in the New Earth with all our beloved. If Mother Earth expresses herself in earthquakes, floods or volcanoes, let her do its duty. We will still love her. We will still be with her until the last breath ...
A human mind or an activist, may not be satisfied with the recommendations above and will ask : "What should we really do ? we can't sit without doing anything to stop the dying of Earth ..."
Again you are not supposed to do anything. We have just to be in two important states :
  • TO BE. This is Awareness. Your presence is required. Not in the mind, but in the heart.  Feel your body, your mind, your emotions, than feel other human beings, other living beings. Feel our mother Earth. To be is to feel, to be aware of life in yourself and then in anything else. So, first you have to be. Then you have ...
  • TO BE LOVE. This is Oneness. Love vibrations is the most powerful and subtle energy in the Universe. It sustains and pervade all the Cosmos. To be Love is just to be in harmony with the Universe. It is such a tremendous power. Such a beautiful feeling. Be love doesn't mean to work in charities, to help others, to do this or that. All these things can be a byproduct of Love, but it is not Love. Love has nothing to do with "doing". Love is being. To be Love is to feel deep in your heart that the others are really you in other bodies. Love is the feeling that this tree, that animal or the Earth in its entirety is simply other expressions of Yourself. There is no real border between you and anything in the Universe. This true feeling of oneness is to be Love. So try to be Love by simply see with your heart the divine beauty in anyone, in anything ! Unconditionally. By trying to feel this, the feeling of oneness with the Universe will grow and the Love will grow. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

A new mantra for meditativeness

An alert cat
Source photo : Mottled Cat
In a previous article entitled "Méditation, pourquoi et comment", I shared with you my understanding of the meaning of meditation and some hints to let meditation happens to us. At the end of that article I stressed the importance of meditativeness as a way of life. In the present post I'd like to go further in this aspect by giving you a useful technique to be more and more alert, more and more in a state of meditativeness. 
But don't expect  to learn some esoteric mantra or some fabulous prayer revealed by some sufi master :-) No, I'm just joking by naming "mantra" the folowing sentence : "Thanks, you are not needed now". But this phrase directed to its own mind can be a powerful tool towards meditativeness. Let's see how is this possible ...

1- What is a mantra ?

A mantra, in eastern religions and philosophies, is a kind of prayer or sentence that a guru or a master gives to a seeker to repeat in his meditation. In general the meaning of the mantra is not relevant. But the sound is. The music of the words is. For example the sound AUM if very powerfull...

The kind of breathing that goes with the mantra is important too. For example, the word "Allah" (God in arabic) that some sufis give as a mantra to their disciples, give rise to a deep exhale breathing. It is well known in yoga for example that repeating some pattern of breathing has many effects on the chemical of the body and therefore on the effectiveness of meditation ... 

Some modern meditation techniques use as mantras every sequence of sounds, even meaningless. The goal is to substitute any coming thought with the mantra. When there is no more thought circulating in the mind, but just the mantra, you can drop the mantra itself and the meditation happens, since there is no more thoughts in the mind !

So a mantra can be used as a powerfull sound, a special breathing or a tool to expel thoughts from mind. The goal in all these cases is to let meditation happen. But what about my proposed "mantra" ? The sentence "Thanks, you are not needed now" addressed to our own mind has no powerful sound, nor special breathing, but a simple meaning. Let's see how does it works. Before that let me remind you ...

2- What is meditativeness ?

Spiritual teachers and physicians all agree that meditation is important for the body health and for the spiritual growth. Even if  it is good to sit down for meditation several minutes each day, it is not good enough. If your are in the mind  most of day and night, the benefits of those meditation sessions will be little or not sufficient. So it is important to extend the state of meditation all the day. What is the state of meditation ? two adjectives describe the meditation state : relax and alert. During meditation your body is relaxed and your mind has no thoughts but is fully alert. So the meditativeness is to try in all your day to day activity to be with a relaxed body and an alert mind. Your are eating, be relax and alert. Eat slowly with joy, gratitude and a mind free from thoughts. Your're walking to your work or shool. Be alert to each step and be totally in the walk. Don't let your mind go there and there and walk automatically. No, be present, alert and fully conscious of your walk. The same when you are driving your car, don't drive mechanically like a robot. Be alert of each movment. Be alert to the road, other vehicles, etc. When you are doing anything in your daily life that doesn't require explicitly your mind, be alert, mind-empty and totally in the action.

Why is this meditativeness important ? Consider this situation : Remember when your mind is excited with a project or an idea. You think of all the aspects of this idea or that project. You imagine the situation, what you are going to say, to do, how others will react, what will be your response, etc. If you are totally embeded in this thinking you are almost unconscious. You can come across some friends or family members and not pay any attention to them. Or you can see them, speak to them like a robot but you really don't listen to them and you forget them and what they said as soon as you left them. So clearly in this situation you are unaware, unconscious. So to be totally in the mind is synonym to be unconsciousness. Mad people are all the time jailed in their mind. They are completly unaware of the reality around them. A normal person, absorbed in his thinking is partly mad, since he can sometimes recover from his thinking and see the life around.

This is why meditativeness is important : you try to be always aware, alert. This awareness is synonym to life. When you are unconscious you miss the present moment, the life and your are transported in the past memories or in the future thoughts. In the meantime, the life slip away ...

3- How the mantra "Thanks, y're not needed now" works ?

3.1- It stops the mind

For example, it is a sunday morning and you decide to go to the garden, near your house, to relax and enjoy a sunny summer morning. Sitting alone on a bench in the garden. Firstly you hear the birds singing and the gentle breeze through the leaves of the trees. But after at most one minute, your mind start wandering, thinking of this or that. Every opportunity is used by mind to wander : a man pass by, wearing a tie ... The mind said, why he is wearing a tie a sunday morning ? perhaps he is working ...etc, etc. You hear a distant car horn and you remember that you should repair your car in the garage since yesterday ...etc, etc. 
What to do ? When you detect this wandering of the mind, tell to your mind "Thanks, y're not needed now" and you return to your listenig of the birds, the leaves, etc. Or you became aware of your breathing, you relax your body and you bring your attention to the air entering the nose and going till the abdomen. When I say you bring your attention I don't mean the mind, no, the feeling... Try to feel your breathing not thinking of it !  And really the mind is not needed for that. He can take a rest and let you enjoy your sitting in the garden.

I used to run about 20 kms every saturday morning along the "Corniche" and some boulevards in Casablanca. My run lasts about two hours and half. In the begining, once I started running, my mind started running too ! Unlike me he doesn't seem to be tired by running ... thinking, thinking, non stop thinking ! One day, I decide to stop my mind during my run. I tell him that he can relax, stop his thinking and let met concentrate on my run. Then I bring alternatively my attention on each part of my body. My toes, feet, legs, thighs, hips, abdomen, chess, back, arms, neck, eyes, nose, ears, head, etc. I try to feel each organ deeply ... how does it feel ? is it OK ? is the run harming it ? I try to feel all organs, even my brain I try to feel it, is it ok ? the blood is irrigating it well ? is there any strain in the head ? is there any thought in the mind ? I never could make 2 hours sitting in meditation, but I was able to be meditative, alert and totally in the run during more than two hours ! The result is amazing : at the end of my run I feel less tired, more alive, more happy ...

3.2- Don't verbalize

It is usless to verbalize the sentence "Thanks, y're not needed now" since it will be another thought. Just remember it and stop your mind. Don't think that you are going to stop the wandering of the mind and start concentrate on your breath. In the beginning verbalizing is acceptable to some extent. But be aware, not substituting thinking with another thinking, than you forget and your mind goes far away, than you remember your mantra, etc. You will end up by doubling your thinking and splitting your personnality ! No, when you are aware that your mind has started his thinking, you just remember the sentence "thanks, y're not needed now" without verbalizing its words and you go ahead instantly concentrating on your breath, your walk or what ever else.

In many situations, I observe that when I decide to make something I start verbalizing it or making sentences of it. But this is good when doing a mathematical exercice not in life situations. I found that verbalizing often is slowing my actions : mind is slow, life is instant. So try to feel that, in many situations, doing without verbalizing is faster than thinking of the act with words in mind. I'm not saying you should act like a robot automatically without thinking. No, be alert, total in the action, aware of the action but without thinking with words in your mind. Words slow your action. Words are thinking. Be just alert and total in the action.

3.3- Don't rehearse

Let me draw your attention to another trap of the mind. For example, you decide to go to the garage to repare your car. When going to the garage your mind start rehearsing : when I will see the mechanic, I will tell him ... and you make a sentence. Then you start rehearsing your phrase, refining it ... When you catch your mind rehearsing, stop him immediatly by your mantra "Thanks, you're not needed now" and concentrate on your driving or your walk. When you arrive in the garage, you can speak with the mechanic without preparing what you will say. 

The mind will always project itself in the future, imagine the coming situations and prepare what to say, what to do, etc. But often it is totally useless in day to day situations. Of course, if you go to a job interview, you should prepare this interview. In this situation, the mind is required. But usually the mind start thinking and rehearsing in useless situations. Be alert of that and stop him once you are alert of this trap.

4- Conclusion

In this article I've tried to show certain situations where the mind start thinking dispite it is not needed. You should be alert to these situations. Each time you catch your mind red handed, wandering, verbalizing, rehearsing or repeating the same old reaction patterns again and again, stop it by remembering your mantra "thanks, y're not needed now" and instantly be present to the situation. The more you gather situations where your mind is caught "in flagrante delicto", the more your awareness will increase. Look at each situation when you are aware of a mind's trap as a victory of your being. Not a victory in a battle field. You're not fighting your mind. But a victory in a game with your mind. So be playful and enjoy your mind game. Enjoy Life. Each alertness gained in this mind game  is a step towards your enlightenment.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Shift of Consciousness

An optical illusion from www.illusions.org
Can you see the old and the young woman ?
and the old man ? Big nose at right :
old man.  Little nose at left : young woman
This article is about Spiritual Awakening, also called "The Shift of Consciousness". We'll look at the meaning of this shift in general terms, then applied to our day to day life. 

1- The Shift of Consciousness

What is the Shift of Consciousness ? To give you an example, you can look at the optical illusion in the image above. You can either see a young woman or an old man in the same image. It is the same picture and you use the same eyes, but the consciousness behind the eyes changes the perspective or the angle of vision. And the hole situation is changed.
So the first meaning of Shift Of Consciousness is that you don't have to change anything to the world outside. You change your inner state and the whole world is magically transformed ! 
In other words, No revolution is needed; but an evolution is a must. Revolutions try to change the individual trough changing society. Which seems to be a great failure if we look to human history. Evolution is just the reverse process. It is focused on the individual. Anything other is a by product. 

I'd like to give you another analogy from computer science, to go further in our exploration. Consider the schema below. It shows what a student in a computer science class calls "Shift" of binary numbers :

In the up-left corner of the schema, we have a long sequence of binary digits, 0 or 1. We have also a "reading window" which show us always 8 consecutive digits from the long sequence. A shift or little movement to the right of the "reading window", change the configuration of the bits read.  At each step we move by just one digit our "reading window".  The result is shown in the second configuration in the up-right. We can repeat this simple movement several times, as it is shown in the third and fourth configurations in the schema. But the result is amazing !  
  • In the first configuration we can read "00001011", the "decimal value" of  this "binary number" configuration is : 11
  • After the first shift, we can read "00010110", the new decimal value is 22
  • After the second shift, we can read "00101100", the new decimal value is 44
  • After the third shift, we can read "01011000", the new decimal value is 88
We're not changing the "reality" of digits configuration, we are simply moving our "reading/looking window". By each shift, we multiply the number read by 2 : 11, 22, 44, 88, 176, 352, 704, ...etc. It is an increasing growth !
As stated above, The Shift of Consciousness acts like this : without changing the reality of things; just by modifying our outlook, we can perceive more and more of the reality ... And what seems to be poor, sad or boring reality becomes more and more rich, alive and amazing; with an infinite expansion !
This second analogy leads us to a another characteristic of the "Shift of Consciousness" : It is an infinite evolution. It never ends. The more you go inside, the more is revealed to you. You can also make each step at your own pace. Some persons can have a sudden "big" shift. Others are walking in their  own path slowly. But there is no hurry, the eternity is yours.. 

An important question may arise : "What am I supposed to "see" in reality when a Shift of Consciousness occurs ?" Simply you will realize :
  • I'm not my mind nor my emotions. There is a disidentification from mind. Thoughts are now just clouds in an open, blue and infinite sky, which is my own consciousness, my real being.
  • In the surface of the ocean, I'm a separate form, a wave distinct from other waves. But if I see deep inside, there is no more waves, no more separation, just a unique, one, whole, big and still ocean. All the forms, human, animal, plant and mineral are just manifestations of the same unique Life or Consciousness.
The result is a new kind of human : still, free, fullfilled, harmonious with nature and co-creator with the Universe, with God. He is also conscious  of his divine nature : immortal. Which is born and will  die is not his true being but just a form inhabited by his permanent consciousness ! If this Shift of Consciousness really occurs, there is no more time. The common human reality is transcended. This is enligthenment or the state of awakening.

If all these ideas seems to be a bit abstract, let's see the meaning of ...

2- The Shift of Consciousness in day to day life

As stated above two main feelings happen when there is a Shift of Consciousness :  freedom and stillness. Let's see each feeling in more details.

2.1- Freedom

When I am are free of mind, when I am disidentified from my mind, I'm no more concerned with its content. All the knowledge, conditionning of society, religion beliefs are simply ignored and are no more relevant for the liberated being. I don't fight this old content, I don't substitute it by another system or belief. No, I simply watch all this knowledge, this mind content and ignore it as it doesn't exist.  Even if it exist in my mind, it is not mine, it is a borrowed knowledge, it is not mine nor it is me. I am just a witness, an observer on the hill.  And when I look at things, at situations, at nature, at other human beings, I don't judge, I don't use my mind glasses. No I have a fresh look, an innocent look. And all is suddenly beautiful, alive, glowing with light ...

Let's give a concrete example. These days there is an upsurge of violence in middle east and especially in Syria, Gazza and Israel. If you are a supporter of one side or the other, you will sympathize with this or that one. You will even justify killing other people, since the others seems to be just labels : "terrorist", "zionist", "setler", etc. The use of these names transforms, for the mind, some beautiful divine beings into objects, something harmful to get rid of as soon as possible ! The mind judge. The mind divide. The mind kill before any weapon is used. A man cannot kill a live being if he has not already killed him in his mind.

What is the attitude of an awakening human being ? the one who has experience a Shift of Consciousness ? Since he is free from any mind, any judgment, any past history, any concept, he will not accept that a human being harms another one. He can not accept nor justify under any circumstance killing of life. Even if all his neighbours, all his familly, his fellow countrymen, coreligionist have a standpoint in favour of one side in the conflict, he remains free. The individual and the collective mind are not his. He is with life, with love inconditionnaly. He is not any of these labels : muslim, christian, jews, terrorist, zionist, arab, american, moroccan, french, chinese, etc. He is a free liberated man. One with each human being in this earth. One with each living being in this planet. One with anything in the Universe. He is not separated. He is not the form, not the wave. He is the ocean.

One can think that my position is easy since I am living, in Morocco, far from the middle east and the bombing in Gazza or Telaviv. If I am under the bombs, I'll have another outlook. Another discourse.

You may be right. I don't know really how I will react under the bombs and missiles. But I feel that knowing that I am eternal, I will know that the bombs will not kill me. Even if my body goes, I will enjoy another lifetime or simply rest near my Beloved ... until I feel the need to experience another lifetime ...

And this is perhaps the meaning of the saying of Jesus when he was crucified "God, forgive them for they know not what they do". Mansour Hallaj went even further when he was tortured before being beheaded, he laugh and said : "No God, you can not deceive me !" He was seeing God even in those who were torturing and killing him !

I agree, a normal human being is not Jesus Christ nor Mansour Hallaj.  But those great beings show us the path, the path of Love. Inconditionnal Love. We can try it. We can forgive. We can not retaliate. We can see the big picture of the whole earth and see that all our wars are stupid. There is no real borders. The politicial divisions, the "historical" nations or countries that humanity and mind has created, are pure nonsense. From space, the earth is one. The Universe is huge, infinite ... And you are this Universe ... You are this Life bubling every where in the galaxy, in the Universe ... All these wars are motivated by stupid arguments, made by stupid men. Let's wake up and see the nonsense of all these stupid conflicts. Let's throw away, all the past, all the history, all the knowledge, all the nonsense. Let's have a new look, an innocent look, a child look... And we will laugh at our stupidity ... Intelligence is not the mind. The real intelligence is in the stillness beyond the mind.

2.2- Stillness

When the Shift Of Consciousness happens, a beautiful stillness pervades the whole body and mind. Why it is so ? When you realize that you're not separated from others. When you know that your essence is the same as the Universe. When you realize that really you're immortal. You've never been born, nor you will die. You are just experiencing the Life in many forms ...  in every aspect, in each detail, in all its diversity and beauty ...
When really you realize this, 
You just take a cup of tea, coffee or water
You sit down ... relax ... smile ... sip your favorite drink
What a joy ... what a wonderfull feeling
No worry, no mind, no stress, no goals
No heaven, no hell, no judgment day, no torture in the grave
No karma, no nirvana, no enligthenment
No burden, no past, no future
No money, no ambitions, no religions, no rituals
No fight, no struggle, no revolution, no big objectives
Just the present, 
The Eternal, beautiful moment, the now
One with the nature, one with every thing
No hurry, no struggle, just a let go
Just live, respond, act ... and let go
with the stream, with the flow
your river will attain the Ocean, 
the Source, 
Without any effort or struggle, you will arrive
You are eternal and you have eternity
What ever spiritual achievement you gain in this lifetime, 
Will not be taken by the coming death
Your real wealth, your spiritual growth
Your  progressive awakening, 
At your pace,
Is gained forever
Will stay with your essence, and grow with you
In many forms, many bodies
Until you are fully aware
Until you dissolve in your Beloved


When you see what is going on in our mad political and economical world, warefares, economical depressions, etc, you can be saddened. You can lose faith. You can doubt the existence of the showering of Love Energy in our Earth. You can doubt if there is really an acceleration of awakening; if there is really a beautiful coming world based on Love and Harmony with Nature. 

Yes you can, but you should not doubt. Trust yourself. Trust humanity. Trust Life.

We are really experiencing a beautiful era in human history. But let me remind you a simple fact : a new birth is always accompanied with suffering and struggle. There is wars, there is suffering and there is all kind of crisis in our world. Yes. But all these situations are just challenges for us. We can change the situations. We can choose the Life. We can make our Shift Of Consciousness. We can open our eyes. And enjoy Life. 

You are not alone. There are many beautiful high beings supporting us. There are also many other fellow seekers. Like you in their path to the One. Many paths, but the same Goal. And there is also many, many simple and beautiful human beings, living a simple life, doing their duty, loving their familly, creating things,  not harming anyone nor anything and enjoying to be here in this beautiful planet and this beautiful time. Welcome to the New Earth !

Friday, November 16, 2012

Osho m'a tuer

Osho smile ...
How could this beautiful divine being be a murderer ?
In a famous french criminal case, a dying woman wrote on the wall, with his own blood, the name of his supposed murderer. "Omar m'a tuer" (Omar killed me. The typo in the original phrase had been long discussed), was this sentence, I'm paraphrasing here.
Osho is perhaps the greatest master ever walked on this earth these last centuries. So, how could he be a murderer ? Upon the saying of Osho himself, a Master is a synonym of Death. Not of your body but of your mind. It is an utter death when you surrender to a master. Even the death which takes the body, the hopes, the dreams, could not take away the whole mind. But a master do ...
In this article I'm talking about my own death history. Unlike Mrs Marchal in the french case, I'm not writing with my blood, but with my heart... Stating that I'm now already dead would be a lie. I'm still, not only living in my body, but in my mind too. A dreaming, an illusory life, but I'm still alive. My ego is still there ... But the countdown has already started ... The journey has not yet finished. But I'm enjoying this trip. So, I would like the share this joy with you.

1- The Beginning

1963 : Birth at Casablanca from Muslim parents

I don't remember well my early childhood but I think it was a joyful childhood like other children. But I remember one thing : I hated my first school when I was 4 or 5 years old. My elder brother and his friends took me "manu militari" to the school. The teacher was violent against some children and I hated this class even if I had never been stricken by this teacher.

1975 : First real interest in religion

12 years old I heard some verses from Quran read. It was about prayer and hell, etc. I was deeply moved by theses verses. Not only the meaning of the words but also by the music, the sounds of the words. It was a strong and beautiful music. Since this date I told my father that I'd like to learn Quran. Later I was trapped by a fundamentalist Islamic movement, but fortunately we were wise enough not to fall in terrorism, many years before Alqaida. My interest for Islam was later mixed with science and philosophy and then Sufism...

1978 : Romantic Love

As a teenager I discovered my own body, not understanding what happened to me ... But still trying intimate and forbidden pleasures ... Later I discovered romantic love. In silence, I "fall in love" with many girls in my family or in the school. I could not tell anybody even the girl object of love. Decency did not permit that, in those times. Never the love was expressed in any intimate relation with any girlfriend. But I wrote some love poems, just for myself. Enjoying writing and reading these poems in the beach, sitting in front of the Atlantic ocean.  But the greatest romantic and authentic love was for a girl in my family.. Eight years later, we will be husband and wife, for the remaining of this lifetime ...

1982 : A young Moroccan student in France

This first travel to France which will last for 8 years, was a blessing for me. It allowed me to have a stand back from my religion and country. I knew that there is no unique truth. But each country, each culture claims that his truth is The Truth ! Even in the domain of food. Moroccans say that their cookery is the best in the world. In France they claim that their cook and their chefs are the greatest in the world ! So, this broaden my mind and the seeking of God deepens.

1990 : a Muslim in the church

I was just a young graduate engineer from France when I accompanied a friend of mine to the Sunday mass. Just for the joy of sharing. I was a Muslim but I appreciate my christian friends. I have also friends who are atheist. We are all the same brotherhood.

1990-2006 : crossing the desert

This period of my current lifetime was a real mess. Not knowing what I want, what to do, what to think, what to feel... Often I drown myself in the work, the ambitions, the desires, book reading, science, philosophy, Islam ... Sometimes, I really enjoy the presence of my children and my wife during a Holiday trip or a weekend. But still I feel that something is missing in my life. 

During this period, my elder son became blind. A big shock in my life. Why this unfairness ? What am I done wrong ? But eventually the storm calms down. Thanking God for all his decisions. Who know ? A curse today could be a blessing tomorrow. So accept and surrender to God. This is the best, the king way...

One day  I see a TV report on pilgrimage in Makkah. I was alone. Tears come to my eyes and I know that I should go to Hajj to experience peace of the soul. In 2006 I went to Makkah for hajj. You have a report here. It was a great spiritual experience, but still something was missing in my life.

2- The Awakening

2010 : Alaa Alsayid site : amazing Arabic website

I was looking for books about Sufism and I stumbled upon this amazing and beautiful site : AlaalSayid.com I first don't understand what this guy, Alaa Alsayid, was talking about. For me it was  nonsense, but beautiful nonsense ... So, I keep reading, listening to his music, reading his jokes, his magazines and finally I had a look to his download area, where I found "The Freedom of choice". Later I found Osho books there too. Thank you so much Alaa. Your site was the biggest gift in my life. This is why I'm sharing here my own nonsense. Perhaps it may trigger something in another seeker as Alaa Sayid did with me. I will remain always grateful for this guy. Thank you Alaa.

2010 : The freedom of choice, Thomas Chalko

This book  was a big event, a turning point in my life. I read the book in an arrow during one night and I was deeply moved by this reading. I read it a second time ... Later, I read all articles written by Thomas Chalko.  For the first time an authentic scholar, a physicist, talking of religion using real scientific tools and methods, not using propaganda. Reading Thomas Chalko writings lead me to the extraordinary "Thiaoouba Prophecy". What a beautiful and deep story ! I read it two or three times and certainly will read it more... What a joy ... What a pleasure ... What a prayer ... It is a must to read !

2011 : Osho

I stumbled upon "Tears of The Mystic Rose" relating the story of Rajneesh enlightenment. The first reading, I didn't understand most of the book. The terms like sanyassin, bhagwan, were very strange and unknown for me, but still something touched my heart. The arrow reached the target ... Later I discovered Osho writings. What a big event in my live. I can't stop reading book after book. Osho hypnotized me even if his discourses are old (70s and 80s). First he attracted my attention since he is claiming to be a Sufi. I love the Sufism. A Sufi who resolve for me the contradiction between my birth religion and other main religions Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. I never accepted the statement that "our religion" is the "last" and "best" religion in the world. I always thought if I was born in a Christian or a Hindu country I would say something else. Eventually, Osho reconcile for me all world religions in a beautiful attitude based on a scientific approach with unconditional love. Firstly I stayed a Muslim searching in Osho discourses what support my birth religion. But finally, Osho shattered all my beliefs ... I'm no more a Muslim as before. This is why I said "Osho m'a tuer" (Osho killed me). I'm now a free seeker longing for God and accepting that many paths and religions can lead to the same Source.

July 2011 : catalepsy

I was on vacation with my family. One morning before waking up in a campground where I was sleeping under the open sky, I was paralyzed, I can't move my body nor utter a single word. It is not the first time this occurs to me. Many times and along many years it occurs for me and for others, I think. We call it here in morocco "bughattat". We consider this phenomenon as a kind of nightmare or an action of Satan to frighten us. Even it is frightening, I was used to it, so usually I wait until I could move again and wake up. But this time, and for the first time in my lifetime, I realized that it is a proof that I am not the body. I thought, as Islamic religion stated, man's soul leaves his body during sleep. And I understand "bughattat" as a failed return of the soul to the body. For an unknown reason, the return to the body don't occur as smoothly as it should. With this instant understanding,  instead of getting frightened as usually, I made a slow breathing and imagined myself entering the body from the navel (thanks Osho) and immediately I opened my eyes ! It was a big satisfaction and victory for me. For the first time, I am aware and convinced of my separation from my body. It was my first glimpse of OBE (Out of Body Experience).

August 1st, 2011 : professional turning point

I'm made redundant by my employer. But I was utterly convinced that God has chosen the best for me. I'm 48 years old. Instead of depressing, I enjoy my new life and started immediately a new business in developing computer programs and giving training. Almost one year later, I know now that it was a blessing for me to be fired from my old job. I can manage my work time as I like. I spend more time with my family. With my blind son. I earn a bit less but I work and live better. No stress no absurd projects. I can read and meditate as I like. Thanks God.

October 2011 : I'm now a vegetarian.

No meat, no fish, no eggs. But enjoying all the fruits and vegetables given by God. At the beginning my family didn't accept easily this fact, but now, eight months later, my new diet seems natural.

January 2012 : I'm an Osho sanyassin

Reading Osho for more than one year. Meditating and praying give me a stand back from my birth religion, Islam. Now, I'm  convinced that my birth religion, Islam, is as true and worth as any other religion in the world. I'm still practicing Islamic rituals, but my soul is free.  

In the other hand, I can't tell my beloved ones, friends, family, that most of their beliefs could be just nonsense ! Till I have formal proofs by transforming my own being, I can't ask them to replace a belief by another belief. It would be stupid ! I love too much people around me and I would like to share with them all what I discovered. But I must wait and love them in silence. The day will come when I will know the reality of universe and then I can share with them, not before. Sharing existentially not intellectually ... I can share only what I have ...  My knowledge is almost void since I've thrown away all what I knew. But my love is real, big and unconditional ...

Now, I consider myself as an Osho sanyassin since I love too much this man. I never met him. Now he is dead. But I would love to meet Rajneesh, his former sanyassin and now devotee ... I would love to drown myself in his eyes ... eat and drink him utterly ... I'm so longing to God, and he is my star gate... A living Bouddha, is the nearest door to attain God for seekers like me. Eyes who have seen God can lead you to our Beloved. Dead masters like Osho, Mohamed or Jesus are in a realm far from our understanding and our feeling ... how can a beginning seeker contact them ? feel them ? They are present in each wind breeze, in each flower fragrance, in each child smile, in each sunrise, but we miss them. We can just love and wait ... But a living Bouddha is a shortcut to the Divine. Can I be blessed one day and meet Rajneesh ? Even if I meet him, am I ready to drink him silently ? Am I ready to die in his feet ? Many times in this or in other lifetimes we met other Buddhas, other great masters, but we missed them. Fast asleep we were, fast asleep we are ... So, I can't afford this to happen again. So, I'm not in hurry to meet him. I'm preparing myself to this great coming day ...

May 19, 2012 : strange "boom" in the night

About 5am, a stifled "boom" shook the building where I live. Three other persons in my neighborhood heard the sound and felt the shake. It is not an earthquake, not a terrorist attack. Till now (November 16th) I don't know what happened this night. Newspapers didn't report it. My live tweet on twitter.com didn't get any echo. This event, I think, is not related with my path to God, but he reminded me a previous earthquake which scared me last year. Moreover, we are in 2012, the year of all possibilities ...

May 29, 2012 : How I stumble upon Adrian Cooper writings

A friend of our family died. I went to his funerals. I know that death is a good news, a beautiful event for the person who died, especially for this person who was old and ill and a very good person. I decided to search in Internet some articles about life after death, I stumbled upon an article written by Adrian Cooper. Later I downloaded an eBook :"The Ultimate Reality of Universe and Human Kind". I couldn't help keep reading and reading. I stopped all my current reading of Osho and start Adrian Cooper. Osho explained me many misunderstood concepts or not detailed in my birth religion Islam, and Adrian explained me many things not detailed by Osho... Not only the book, I read avidly "The Truth about 2012", "Science of Being in 7 Lessons", "the Quantum Matrix", the weekly newsletters ... every thing from Adrian. Not only I read, but I start practicing every thing but slowly and step by step. For example, AP/OBE (Astral Projection, Out of Body Experience) during sleep and concentration exercises during my daily walk on the beach ... I am progressing in many fronts at once and I enjoy that. It is so exciting !

June 11, 2012 : pre-OBE #1

After reading the chapters about Astral Projection and Out of Body Experience in "The Ultimate Reality of Universe and Human Kind", I decided to do AP or OPE that coming night. About 5 am I woke up with the feeling of vibrations over my entire body. I instantly recognize the pre-OBE vibrations. My wife was sleeping just next me. It is not convenient to relax and let the OBE going on. But the real problem is that I was so excited by the idea of OBE that I couldn't stay relax and passive. Thoughts scramble in my mind and it was difficult to continue. The vibrations are lost and I'm fully awake. I will resume another day... But I'm so happy, so grateful. I'll be never be the same after this first glimpse in my path.

June 14, 2012 : pre-OBE #2

After an afternoon of hard work, I relaxed at home and continue my reading of the eBook "The Ultimate Reality of Universe and Human Kind". At 11:00 pm I decided to sleep with the strong intent to do an Astral Projection (AP). So I repeat to myself non stop "I am out of my body" in my mother tongue, Arabic. Since I don't like using alarm clock, I decided to wake up about 4:00 am. Before falling into sleep, I continue to repeat my statement "I am out of my body". About 1 hour later, something woke me up, but only my Mind was wake up, my body was still asleep. Not just fast asleep but He/I was snoring !!! Since I'm on my back and the pillow is not exactly on the right position, I, my body, was snoring and I was witnessing this fact !! Immediately I recognize the vibrations of pre-OBE and I enjoy that but I'm so frightened hearing my own snoring for the first time, in a manner which recalled me the death. This snoring was for me like the sound of a sheep just being slaughtered and emitting a like-snoring sound !! (I'm born a Muslim and several times I witnessed sheep slaughter during Eid Elkebir) So the idea of death entered my mind ... Since I get frightened, I "help" my body to better breathing ... How stupid I was ! I lost immediately the awareness of my body sleeping but the vibrations didn't stop instantly. So I tried to continue but I realized it was then futile. I will resume another day. How ironic, I was convinced that the death doesn't frighten me, but I was wrong. The witnessing for the first time of my own natural snoring, scared me and the fear of death enter immediately in my mind. So I lost my real first opportunity to OBE. But I'm now pretty sure that there will be many others opportunities and I will succeed, even before my enlightenment. This is not the first time I read about MABA (Mind Awake Body Asleep), but I never succeeded like this night. And I thought that MABA is only for enlightened persons, not for the lambda seekers like me. Even though my failure this night, I was so excited, so happy, so confused. First : OBE is real, what Adrian Cooper write in his book about OBE and AP is a reality. Second : It is a reality even for a humble seeker like me ! What a great news ! what a wonderful fact ! What a lovely gift ! Thank you, thank you thank you countless times Adrian ! You give me a quantum leap in my path. I was sure that one day I will attain MABA but I never thought it would be so soon ! Of course I couldn't any more sleep and I couldn't tell anybody of my first glimpse to MABA, a first step to the wonderful Astral Worlds or to the Etheric travels. So I go out under the sky, walking slowly and thanking God, Osho, Rajneesh, Adrian Cooper and all the people who help me in my path till now. I stared to Antares, the super giant star in the Scorpion constellation. I used to give it as example of super giant star which diameter is greater than Sun-Earth distance ! I thought : now It is possible for me to see Antares closely, to visit the Sun, Venus, Saturn and its beautiful rings. I am passionate about astronomy and my 10' telescope is not so accurate to show me the planets as I want to see them. But now with OBE and the discovery of my etheric body, I'll able to see the exact reflection of all these beautiful objects as real as in the physical world ! When I was a kid I dream to be an astronaut when I'll be adult. Later I know It is just a dream. And until now, and I am 49 years old, when I see the stars in the sky, often the tears come to my eyes : when will I be able to visit those stars like the great mystics who explore the entire universe without spacecraft ? Is my dream near to be a reality ? Certainly, because what Adrian Cooper wrote in his book is right so far. Why doubting the remaining of this fabulous adventure ! I started immediately, and continue next morning, to make a mind list of persons I'd like to visit during my etheric travels : first Adrian Cooper to thank him and discuss his book with him and ask him some guidance in my path. Next person : Rajneesh, an enlightened person and former Osho sanyassin. I love this guy since I read all of his books especially "Tears of the Mystic Rose". Next in the list : Osho, if I can communicate with a person who has joined God. Next in the list : some persons who has already died especially a person who I've seen recently in a dream (zendafou)...

June 15, 2012 : start of this diary

I started to write this retrospective "diary" describing my path back to our Source. It may help some seekers who are, like me, fast asleep but on their path to enlightenment. Today, I'm sure that I'm on the right path. I can see, touch, feel my own enlightenment. If not in this lifetime, perhaps in the next or any coming lifetime. I'm no more in hurry. There are too many experiences to enjoy with the fabulous bodies ! Now, I know exactly the goal of my life : "my drop to be, again, united and dissolved in God's ocean". I know also how to be conscious of my enlightenment and get out of my deep sleep, now. This self conscious of my goal/path has lasted 48 years in the current lifetime and God know how many others lifetimes. I'm now too excited to know these "previous" or current/alternate lives, especially those where I'm a bird, an animal, a flower, a tree or a fish. I'm now feeling a greet oneness with all this creatures, animate or inanimate. Who know, perhaps I'm watering myself when I water my balcony plants or perhaps I'm playing with myself when I play with the dog of my neighbor ...

June 16, 2012 : pre-OBE #3

I enjoy my run of 20 kms in Casablanca, like each Saturday. It is a kind of meditation for me. During more than 2,5 hours I concentrate alternatively on each muscle and organ of my body. It is such lovely feeling to see how the entire body is cooperating to make a run. I'm to grateful to God for giving me this fabulous body. Back to home, and after a shower and a light meal, I decided to do a nap and of course to make an AP (Astral Projection) or an OBE (Out of Body Experience). Unlike two days before, I didn't attain the "MABA" (Mind Awake Body Asleep) and the vibrations preceding it, but I felt the heaviness of my body and there was a moment when I felt some tickling in my top head (probably my crown chakra activity). But I'm happy, it's certainly a progress even if it is less far than the other day. But I learned from the waves of the ocean on the shore : they are coming and going in what seems to be chaotic and non progressive. But when the high tidal is coming, It is not perceptible but it is surely coming. I am sure that my tidal is coming and I will soon experience an OBE or an AP.

June 16th - November 16th, 2012 : OBE/AP flop

Five months after my first glimpse of OBE/AP I'm no more capable of having any little beginning of OBE. Impossible to relive those fabulous moments... I tried and tried, but nothing happens. Even during my last pilgrimage to Makkah, I tried ... Utter failure. What happens ? What goes wrong ? 

During many weeks I didn't understand the meaning of absence of any glimpse to OBE/AP. Now,  I know where I failed : the Desires : after the first pre-OBE on June the 14th, I started dreaming and desiring : visit the galaxy, contact some dead or  remote persons, etc. But when desire, comes, the mind comes, the greed comes and the innocence goes ... OBE/AP are gifts, but are also a kind of power. God can not trust a non innocent mind, a desiring mind, a cunning mind and give him such power. When a gift is given by God to a person, He is sure he will not misuse it. But how can an ego be trusted ? These spiritual experiences are not a result of a doing, a practice, they are just gifts from God, without any doing from our side. We have just to relax, to let go, to celebrate the life and the gifts we already have. If we desire other things we forget our present, we forget what we already have and instead of living here and now, we project ourselves in the future. This is how I can miss God. So I learned the lesson : never desire, never expect anything. If some beautiful experience happens, OK beautiful, I can share it or no with my beloved ones. If nothing special happens, OK, it's beautiful too. I feel gratitude and love towards God and I will go farther and farther in my path returning to Him. Any desire is a back step far away from Him.


I first wrote this diary to myself to measure my progress in my spiritual path with a confused idea that someday I'll share it. But recently I feel liking to share my experience with other seekers and spiritual beginners all over the world. I hope this will help you trust your heart, listen to you inner voice and surrender to your inner master. 
With deep and unconditional love and ... longing.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Méditation, trucs et astuces

Deux pots de plantes : un petit Oranger à droite et un Citronnier
à gauche et voilà deux anges gardiens transformant un endroit
désert en une place vivante propice à la méditation
Dans un précédent article, j'ai présenté ce que signifie la méditation, pourquoi et comment la faire. Dans le présent post, on trouvera quelques astuces pratiques illustrées pour faciliter la méditation. Ceci est extrait de ma propre expérience et sont donnés à titre d'exemple. Libre à chacun de s'en inspirer, améliorer et partager ...

1- Comment aménager un endroit pour méditer ?

Pour un citadin qui n'a pas de jardin ou d'endroit naturel à proximité pour méditer une solution serait d'utiliser la terrasse (le toit) d'une maison ou d'un immeuble. La photo ci-dessus montre un exemple d'endroit pour méditer : sur le terrasse (toit) de l'immeuble ou j'habite à Casablanca. J'ai aménagé l'endroit choisi avec quelques plantes. Ci-dessus, à ma droite un oranger et à ma gauche un citronnier encore jeunes. Derrière quelques roches avec cristaux naturels. Au-dessus le ciel étoilé pendant la nuit ou au petit matin. Ma face est orientée vers le sud. Le soleil se lève à ma gauche et se couche à ma droite. En face de moi, les planètes et les étoiles défilent pendant que je ferme les yeux. Comme la ligne de l'écliptique est au sud, généralement les planètes Jupiter, Saturne et Mars passent devant moi. La brillantissime Venus est en ce moment (novembre 2012) précédent le lever du soleil, donc à ma gauche. Au petit matin et avant le coucher du soleil, les oiseaux et les pigeons viennent chanter juste au dessus de ma tête car il cherchent la hauteur pour célébrer le lever et le coucher du Soleil. J'en profite évidemment pleinement.
Bref, avec quelques aménagements simples et un peu d'imagination, on peut réaliser un endroit parfait pour la méditation même dans une ville aussi polluée et aussi dénuée d'espaces verts comme Casablanca.

2- Comment faciliter la position semi-lotus ?

Les gens qui ne sont pas souples comme moi trouvent des difficultés à s’asseoir longtemps par terre. J'ai trouvé une petite astuce pour faciliter la position de semi-lotus et soulager mon dos qui n'est pas très habitué à une longue position assise par terre. J'ai pris quatre planches rectangulaires d'environ 10 cm x 40 cm et je les ai reliées ensemble avec des clous. Je m'assoies sur ces planches et je me trouve ainsi légèrement surélevé par rapport au sol (8 à 10 cm environ) et cela laisse mes jambes croisés plus à l'aise et mon dos se met plus facilement en position droite et verticale comme le montre la photo ci-dessous. Une petit tapis carré est juste sous mes jambes pour plus de confort des pieds.

Quand mes jambes commencent à fourmiller ou à me faire mal, je les repose un peu, doucement sans mouvement brusque, sans ouvrir les yeux et sans arrêter la méditation. Une fois les jambes reposées, je reprend doucement le semi-lotus en inversant éventuellement la jambe dessus et la jambe dessous.

3- Que faire si notre esprit s'est égaré ?

En principe en méditation on doit être comme un observateur sur une colline observant le flot de la rivière qui coule paisiblement dans la vallée. La rivière étant le flux de ses propres pensées. Seulement très souvent on quitte sa position sur la colline et on se trouve à nager et à se débattre dans la rivière, voire à essayer de remonter son cours ou se noyer carrément ! Comment faire quand on se trouve ainsi noyé et totalement impliqués dans ses pensées ?
Dès que l'on se rend compte que l'on a perdu sa position d'observateur, il faut reprendre le contrôle et la distance par rapport à ses propres pensées. Voici  deux techniques simples, infaillibles et qui marchent à tous les coups. Elles permettent de couper net le flux de pensées et vider son esprit momentanément en attendant de reprendre son souffle et sa position sur la colline :
  • 1ère astuce : se concentrer sur sa respiration. Sans changer le rythme de sa respiration, suivre le mouvement de l'air entrant du nez passant par la poitrine et finissant au ventre. Un petit stop et puis le mouvement inverse, ventre, poitrine et nez (toujours le nez. On ne respire jamais par la bouche). Après quelques cycles, le flux de pensées est totalement stoppé et on se trouve soulagé.
  • Seconde astuce : se concentrer sur ses oreilles. Tout en détendant au maximum son corps on commence à faire attention à tous les bruits qui nous entourent. Le mouvement des feuilles du citronnier à côté, un pigeon qui grogne pas très loin, une voiture qui passe dans la rue, des enfants qui jouent dans le quartier, etc. Le son est sphérique, en se concentrant sur l’ouïe on se rend compte que l'on reçoit des sons de toutes les directions. Et automatiquement le flux des pensées est coupé. Mais attention, il ne faut prêter attention à ce que vous entendez, ne vous branchez pas avec, sinon vous créez de nouvelles pensées et vous n'êtes pas sorti de l'auberge ! Donc entendez ce qui vous entoure sans l'écouter. C'est agréable, ça relaxe, ça coupe le flux de pensés et ça permet de reprendre à nouveau sa position d'observateur sur la colline.

Tramway de Casablanca, les essais vont bon "tram"

Tramway Casablanca à l'essai le 14/11/2012

1- Tramway Casablanca à l'essai

Depuis quelques jours déjà les essais du Tramway de Casablanca ont commencé avec une circulation de trams complets mais vides de voyageurs sur tout le trajet. La vidéo ci-dessous montre quelques trams circulant aujourd'hui 14 novembre 2012 et s'arrêtant à la station "Ba Hmad" qui est la station entre celle de la Gare Casa Voyageur et  celle des Anciens Abattoirs.
Ces essais ont probablement pour objectifs de tester les rames, former les mécaniciens et les contrôleurs et habituer les habitants de Casablanca au passage du tramway.

2- Quelques chiffres

  • Démarrage officiel : 12/12/2012
  • 31 km de longueur du trajet et 48 stations d'arrêt
  • 60 minutes de durée de trajet de terminus à terminus.
  • Une vitesse commerciale de 19 km / heure (vitesse moyenne y compris les temps d’arrêts).
  • Capacité de 250 000  voyageurs par jour.
  • Horaires de service : de 6h30 à 22h00 en semaine et jusqu’à 23h30 le Weekend.
  • 4,5 minutes de fréquence de passage en heures de pointe.
  • 37 rames d'une longueur de 65 mètres
  • Nombre de places assises : 156 places et capacité total par rame : 600 personnes
  • Prix du ticket : 6 DH. Pour plus de détail sur les tarifs d'abonnements, voir ici.

3- Trajet de la ligne 1 du Tramway

Trajet de la (unique) ligne 1 du tramway de Casablanca

  • Sidi-Moumen, (Ici se trouve également le Centre de Maintenance du Tramway)
  • Hay Mohammadi (passe par Lycée et Boulevard Okba puis près de la grande Mosquée de Hay Mohammadi et du dispensaire Essaada avant de descendre à la Villette et les anciens Abattoirs), 
  • Gare Casa Voyageurs (Boulevard Ba Hmad puis la Gare Casa Voyageurs puis Place Al Yasser), 
  • Place des Nations Unis (sa7at le7mam) près de la Wilaya après un passage par Marché Central au boulevard Mohamed V, 
  • Boulevard Abdelmoumen. A Derb Ghalef, il y a une bifurcation de la ligne vers deux directions différentes :
    • Certains trams vont continuer tout droit jusqu'à 
      • Oasis
      • Technopark 
      • Facultés (Terminus du Tram)
    • D'autres trams vont tourner à droite pour passer par :
      • Joutia de Derb Ghallef
      • Bouséjour
      • Hay Hassani
      • Aïn Diab (Terminus du Tram)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Utilité ou célébration

Quelle est l'utilité d'un humain ? d'une fleur ?
Si quelqu'un demande quelle est l'utilité d'un marteau, on peut lui répondre que cela permet d'enfoncer des clous pour bâtir une construction par exemple. Mais quelle est l'utilité d'une fleur ? A quoi ça sert un humain ?
Cet article a pour objectif de vous montrer l'inutilité de poser la question de l'utilité. La beauté de la création divine à un seul objectif : la célébration.

1- Utilité de la nature

Les poètes ont été les premiers à trouver que poser la question  sur l'utilité de la nature était stupide. Il faudrait plutôt contempler la beauté de la nature, se laisser envoûter par la majesté et la magnificence de la création puis célébrer cette beauté, cette existence. Les oiseaux, les arbres et les fleurs n'ont pas d'utilité en soit. Ils sont là pour leur beauté intrinsèque. Ils sont là comme manifestation de la beauté divine. L'esprit calculateur des humains peut argumenter que la nature est là pour "servir" l'homme. Elle sert à le nourrir et à lui offrir gîte et couvert. Quelle paroles insensées ! La nature a été là des milliards d'années avant l'apparition de l'homme. Elle était là sur terre et dans d'autres planètes, exubérantes, radiante, explosant de vitalité et de joie. Sans l'homme. Elle n'avait et n'a nullement besoin de l'homme et n'est pas créé pour l'homme. Au contraire, l'homme fait lui-même partie de la nature. Il fait également partie de l'exubérance et de la richesse de la création. La nature le nourrit et il nourrit également la nature. Il fait partie du cycle naturel, de la chaîne alimentaire. Même le sommet de cette chaîne finit par devenir une terre dont se nourrissent les plantes et les insectes. Il est également, par certains aspects, le plus haut sommet de la création de la nature, du  moins sur la planète terre. Mais à partir du moment où l'homme, par son esprit, s'égare et croit qu'il est supérieur à la nature et que celle-ci est créée uniquement pour lui servir, à partir de ce moment-là, il se coupe totalement de la nature et devient calculateur, triste et malheureux. Au lieu de cela, il aurait fallu que l'homme célèbre la Nature et sa propre nature et se mette à fêter l'existence, la Terre et le Cosmos autour de lui. 
L'homme peut disparaître aujourd'hui de la terre (et il est capable de s'auto-détruire), mais la nature continuera à exister et à célébrer la vie. Elle ne va pas se dire que puisque l'homme n'est plus, elle n'a plus de raison d'exister. Oh que Non ! Bien au contraire, sans la pollution et les démolitions de l'homme, la nature sera encore plus heureuse, célébrant encore plus la joie d'exister, la joie de vivre. C'est peut être le sens du verset du Coran :

فما بكت عليهم السماء و الارض و ما كانوا منظرين -الدخان29-؛
"La Terre et le Ciel ne les ont pas pleurés et on ne les a pas attendu" Sourate Addoukhan aya 29.

Quand l'humain arrogant et ignorant est débarrassé de cette terre, personne ni rien ne le pleure ni le regrette. Par contre des êtres exceptionnels comme les prophètes et les sages, ces êtres qui ont su s'intégrer dans la Nature et célébrer la Vie, tout le monde regrette leur disparition. Même les rocs et les troncs d'arbres morts ressentent et regrettent leur absence. La tradition du Prophète Mohamed relate l'histoire d'un tronc de palmier qui gémissait quand il avait perdu contact avec le Prophète. Peu importe la véracité historique de cette parabole mais le sens qu'elle véhicule est profond et bien réel. On peut ne pas percevoir la souffrance de ce tronc de palmier apparemment mort, mais en réalité, il a bien souffert de l'absence du Prophète et les âmes sensibles l'ont certainement ressenti et entendu. Dans l'autre sens, la tradition bouddhiste rapporte que les arbres ont fleuri  et donné leurs fruits à proximité de Bouddha alors que ce n'était pas encore la saison des fruits. Ces deux paraboles relatées dans la vie de deux grands sages de cette humanité montre clairement que la nature est intimement liée à l'homme que ce soit dans la joie ou la tristesse. 
Ce dernier point est également important. La vie n'est pas toujours que la joie. On ne reste pas tout le temps avec un sourire (au risque d'avoir des crampes :-). Non il y a des moments de tristesse. Des moments de séparation, de blessure ou de simple nuage de tristesse, passager et inexpliquée. Même ces moments de tristesse, il faut les célébrer dans le silence et la dignité. Les accepter. Les savourer. Parfois la tristesse a une profondeur que la joie n'apporte pas. Donc, oui célébrons la Vie avec et dans la Nature, dans sa joie et dans sa tristesse. Et c'est cela le sens de la Nature et de la Vie : elle n'a strictement aucune utilité. Elle est là pour fêter et célébrer et exprimer la gratitude à Dieu d'être là, à vivre et vibrer de joie ou de tristesse.

Sans être un sage ou un prophète, un simple humain lambda resplendissant et jouissant du bonheur d'exister et de participer à la symphonie de la Vie; est un humain qui déborde d'énergie et d'amour. Energie qui va submerger tout ce qui l'entoure. Par contre un humain, stupide et calculateur, à l'esprit utilitaire, cherchant à exploiter la Nature pour en tirer profit et stocker stupidement ce qu'il ne va pas utiliser est simplement une "erreur" de la Nature. Un "raté" de ce splendide univers. En effet, la Nature est très riche, exubérante et abondante mais elle n'est pas parfaite. Elle évolue tout le temps. Elle a créé l'humain. Elle a enfanté cette magnifique espèce humaine. Mais pour l'instant, ce n'est pas encore une réussite totale. Il y a beaucoup de déchets dans le genre humain. Beaucoup de graines qui ont un vrai potentiel pour devenir réellement humain mais qui n'y arrivent jamais. C'est peut être le sens du verset du Coran :
إن هم إلا كالأنعام بل هم أضل -الفرقان 44- ـ
"Ils sont comme les bêtes. Et mêmes encore plus égarés" Sourate Alfourqan aya 44

2- L'utilité de l'Homme dans la société

Depuis notre enfance ou nous lave le cerveau pour nous apprendre à être "utile" à la famille et la société. Quel non sens ! Cette notion d'utilité est le début de l'esclavage de l'humanité. L'Homme n'est plus considéré comme une fleur, un fruit de la nature mais comme une commodité, un bien ou un service à utiliser ou à commercialiser. Tout le système éducatif a essentiellement comme objectif de créer une force de travail. Que cette force de travail soit manuelle ou intellectuelle ne change pas le fond du problème : l'Homme n'a pas de valeur en soit. Il est juste "utile" pour faire fonctionner la société. Ceux qui se croient plus malins utilisent cet endoctrinement pour exploiter les travailleurs et amasser de l'argent. Tout le système capitaliste moderne est devenu fou furieux à la recherche de l'argent qu'elle qu'en soit le prix. Même si des humains souffrent, même si la planète agonise, tout cela n'a aucune importance pour eux. Même quand ils veulent s'occuper de l'écologie et de la planète, ils traduisent les objectifs écologiques en argent sonnant et trébuchant. Ils cherchent à préserver la planète pour l'exploiter le plus longtemps possible et au passage pourquoi ne pas se faire de l'argent avec l'écologie elle-même ! Quelle arrogance ! Quelle stupidité !
Non l'homme, n'a strictement aucune utilité. Pas plus qu'une fleur, un iceberg ou un amas de galaxies. Certes un boulanger, un médecin ou un ingénieur est bien sûr utile pour d'autres humains. Il n'y a également aucun doute que la majorité des professions humaines sont utiles pour le genre humain et pour la Nature. Cependant, toutes ces professions ne doivent pas devenir une fin en soit. On doit les effectuer par plaisir et par volonté de partager avec les autres. Utiliser une profession comme un calvaire nécessaire uniquement pour ramasser l'argent pour "vivre" ultérieurement, durant le mois de congé ou à la retraite; est un pure non sens. Si un travail n'est pas un plaisir, il vaut mieux l'arrêter immédiatement. Si un travail est destructeur pour la nature ou permet d'exploiter ou d'endoctriner d'autres humains, il vaut mieux l'arrêter immédiatement. Attention, je ne dis pas qu'un travail où on trouve du plaisir n'est pas fatiguant. On peut effectuer un travail pénible, mais le faire avec joie et partage. Ceux qui contrôlent l'économie, la politique et parfois la religion aujourd'hui veulent que les humains se transforment en robots produisant des richesses qu'ils amassent sans savoir ce qu'ils vont en faire. L'homme n'est utile pour eux que pour produire ou consommer. En dehors de ces deux utilités, il ne sert à rien. Il vaut mieux l'endormir, l'endoctriner ou le tuer avec la planète qui l'a enfanté !

3- Célébrons notre inutilité

Ma soeur, mon frère humain, j'ai une bonne nouvelle à t'annoncer : Dieu ne t'a créé dans aucun objectif précis. Tu n'as pas à être utile ni pour une usine ni pour une mosquée ou une église, ni même pour ton prochain ! Tu n'es pas un simple numéro de sécurité sociale ou un numéro d'identité nationale. Non tu n'es pas un sujet de tel roi ou un citoyen de telle république ! Non, tu es libre ! Libre comme l'air. Libre comme le vent solaire. Libre comme les neutrons. Comme les papillons. Les frontières et les divisions de tout genre ne sont pas pour toi. Tu es là comme les fleurs, les arbres, les planètes et les galaxies. Un être unique. Tu n'as aucun égal ni dans l'histoire ni dans l'avenir. Dieu ne créé jamais de copie carbone. Il n'a pas de chaîne de production d'êtres humains. Chaque être humain est unique. Sans égal. Et il est, comme le reste de la création, une expression unique de Dieu.

Si tu contemples au fond de toi-même tu trouveras que tu n'est ni ce corps ni cet esprit qui te sont offerts. Tu dois t'en réjouir, les célébrer, exprimer ta gratitude pour Celui qui te les a offerts, comme il t'a offert et t'offrira des millions d'autres corps, d'autres expériences... jusqu'à ce que tu t'éveilles ... et que l'Univers entier devienne ton corps ... Quel merveilleux cadeau ce corps qui permet de contempler, de vivre dans la beauté de la création. Quel beau cadeau cet esprit qui permet de transcender le corps et l'esprit ...

Tu n'as aucune responsabilité, aucune utilité dans la Vie. Tu es là pour prier Dieu, autrement dit célébrer la Vie. La prière peut éventuellement avoir lieu dans une mosquée, une église ou un temple. Mais pas uniquement, voire accessoirement. Toute la Vie est une prière. Toute prière est une célébration. Toute célébration est un chant, une danse, un silence ...

Si tu es heureux, vivant, célébrant la Vie. Tu peux alors partager ta célébration, ton bonheur et diffuser ainsi la joie autour de toi. Tu n'as pas de devoir ni de responsabilité de donner à qui que ce soit. Mais tu peux avoir l'immense plaisir de partager avec tous. Tout ceux qui donnent alors qu'ils sont tristes, malheureux, calculateurs n'ont rien compris à la vie, à la religion. Ils donnent pour recevoir, ici ou dans l'au-delà. Quelle misère, quelle tristesse ! Ils sont des empereurs rêvant qu'ils sont des misérables. Alors qu'ils ont tout, aujourd'hui. L'abondance et l'exubérante est tout autour d'eux, mais ils ne les voient pas. Toute la richesse de la Vie et de l'Univers est faite avec toi et pour toi, mon frère humain. Tu n'es pas obligé de mettre un barbelé autour d'une plage pour dire qu'elle est à toi. Elle est déjà à toi ! Mais quel est l'intérêt d'une plage si on ne peut pas partager une baignade ou un bain de soleil avec ceux qu'on aime ! Le bonheur n'est pas dans l'appropriation mais dans la vie et le partage. Tous les humains sont tes frères et soeurs prêts à célébrer la vie avec toi. Ils ne sont pas là pour être une force de travail pour tes usines ou des consommateurs de tes produits et services. Non, ils sont là pour que l'on fête ensemble la vie, que l'on chante et que l'on danse ensemble dans ce merveilleux univers dont Dieu nous a gratifié.  Ils sont là pour partager avec toi et recevoir ton partage.

Non chère soeur, cher frère. Tu n'as aucune utilité. La société qui attend quelque chose de toi est une société malade et égarée. Rejoint ceux qui sont comme toi des roses inutiles dans ce grand jardin de Dieu. Quand tu es heureux, vivant et célébrant la vie, alors tu pourras partager ton bonheur, ton travail et ta création. Ce que tu donnes n'est plus un don mais un débordement, un afflux des richesses internes que tu as. Ton plaisir sera encore démultiplié en partageant ce dont tu te réjouis déjà. Tu deviens alors divin. Comme ce nuage qui ne peut plus se retenir et déborde de pluie qui irrigue la terre. 
Par contre un humain, triste et fermé à la vie, pourra être utile à la société moderne et aliénée. Il pourra être un robot dans les usines et les bureaux. Il pourra passer sa vie d'automate programmé jusqu'à ce sa "date de validité" devienne obsolète. Il est alors remplacé. Peut-être avec les honneurs mais on s'en débarrasse certainement pour accueillir un autre robot encore plus solide, plus obéissant. Quel gâchis !

Si chère soeur, cher frère humain tu te sens capable de jeter cet esprit d'utilité mercantile de nos sociétés. Si tu veux rejoindre tes frères et soeurs vivant et heureux simplement d'être là, célébrant la Vie et en plaine gratitude envers la Planète Terre, envers la Nature, envers Dieu. Si tu considères que tu fais partie intégrante de la Nature, que tu n'es ni de tel pays, ni de telle chapelle. Tu es juste comme une fleur, belle, rebelle et sauvage; n'obéissant à aucune étiquette, à aucune catégorie. Alors bienvenue sur cette Terre à l'aube de cet âge dont nous vivons la nouvelle naissance... En guise de cadeau de bienvenue je t'offre cette très belle chanson du regretté John Lennon, Imagine ...
Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace
You, you may say 
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world
You, you may say 
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Je voudrais juste terminer cet article avec cette parole de John Lennon que tu as écouté ci-dessus : "You, you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us"