I viewed an interview with Astro Teller, co-founder of Google[x]. A lot of wisdom filters from this exchange. and I'd like to share with you some of these beautiful ideas.
Project Loon, a google X project to connect people who can't access the Internet. It is using a constellation of balloons circling in the stratosphere around the globe and costing a tiny fraction of the of satellites costs. |
Secret #1 : It's often easier to make things 10 times better than 10% better !
Because if you have a little goal you have to deal with existing constraints and ideas. With a bigger vision you have automatically a stand point from the existing, you are free from mind hindrances and then you make free room for new ideas to come. It doesn't work every time, but quite often it succeeds.
Secret #2 : Making a better world is a far more powerful driver than money
Neither economic crisis nor lack of money is an obstacle to develop new great ideas ! If you have the idea of creating a better world, you can of course succeed or fail. But when you succeed, the money will find you.
Secret #3 : Try and fail as often as you can
The more often you try new ideas the more you have a chance to succeed. The freedom of fail is as important than the freedom to try. The cycle of "find-an-idea-try-it-fail-or-succeed" should be as short as possible. Don't be afraid to fail if you have some good or scientific reason to think that it is possible to make it.