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Source Image : http://minimalmonkey.com/css-3d-cube-tutorial/ |
In an article labeled “The Wisdom of the Triangle” I stressed the fact that wisdom comes from the
transcendence of any duality. This idea is a little abstract. In the
current article I'd like to share with you a more practical rule I
called the 3-D Rule : Dog/Dreamer/Deep. In fact I experienced this
rule the first time in my being as a French mantra saying
“Chien/Bien/Rien”, hence CBR acronym. This is why I will share
with you the two aspects of the same idea. But be aware, I'm not
philosophizing or discussing some theories. The goal is very
pragmatic. It is to be in a state of meditation in day to day
life. So I am giving to you this “rule” to experiment with it, to
play with it, for a while. When it is no more useful, drop it and you
will find some other technique until all techniques drop by
themselves. You will no more using them.
The meaning I give to words Dog/Chien, Dreamer/Bien and Deep/Rien
Let's start by exposing what I mean by
the 3D or CBR Rule
Dog | Chien | To be a Dog is to follow any thought like a dog following any sent. One moment the dog is here; but after catching a sent he follows it and from one to another sent he finds itself elsewhere far from its original place. So with the man. Following any thought that comes in his mind he finds himself far from its original thought and meanwhile he is absent. He is elsewhere. This image of dog has been given by Eckhart Tolle in one of his meditation sessions. |
Dreamer | Bien | To be a Dreamer is to be Well (Bien in french), the body is relaxed and the mind dreaming beautiful dreams. In the Dog state you are tense but in dreaming state you are relaxed. But since you are unconscious, you are not here either. |
Deep | Rien | To be Deep is not to be shallow. You are feeling your entire body and not just imprisoned in your mind. If a thought comes you don't follow it or identify with it. You stay rooted in your body witnessing the coming of the thought and its subsiding. “Rien” in French means “Nothing”, so you are identified with nothing neither with a thought nor with a dream. So you are nothing material, be it a thought. You are just witnessing, well rooted in your body fully aware of your other states : thoughts, dreams are just passing in front of the mirror of your being. When they are here you reflect them, when they pass you don't cling to them. You let them go. The mirror is again virgin, again clear, again vulnerable, again available, to reflect any thing from this world or to be a vehicle of the Beyond. You are just here, aware, relaxed not wanting or waiting anything. It's a beautiful state. Calm. Relaxed. Open. Awake. Here and Now. |
Practical usage of 3-D Rule
Each time you are aware of your being, ask yourself in which state you are, Dog, Dream or Deep ? You can't be in any other state. Either you are following and identifying with some thoughts or you are dreaming awaken dreams or you simply aware not anything else. In the latter case you have nothing to do; just to continue in this state as long as you can. In the former two cases (Dog or Dream), first recognise your state then try to be again present and aware. How to do that ? there are many techniques to regain awareness after loosing presence. Two useful and simple techniques are conscious breathing and body awareness. Just by breathing consciously you are again here and now. Or by being aware of the life in your body and of your sense perceptions you can again be present in the moment. So easy and so useful. In the two techniques, your body become relaxed and your thoughts become loose.
You can use this 3D rule in every moment and every situation when you are not doing anything special. If you are meditating or waiting for the bus or at a coffee shop sipping you favourite beverage, you can use this 3D Rule to help bring awareness more and more in your life. Multiplying the moments of awareness you bring light in more and more zones in your being until you are fully enlightened.
Some pitfalls and their antidote
In this paragraph I'd like to share with you some pitfalls of your mind and how to overcome them.
Mind's Pitfalls
How to deal with it
Rehearsing for a future situation : before a coming situation
your mind starts imagining what it will looks like and starts
preparing some answers. Then it begin to loop and repeating the
sentence you will say or the act you will do in the future. It is totally useless and even harmful since you are projecting yourself in the future and imagining what will happen and how to answer to it. Meanwhile you lose your anchor in the present and you can't response to any current situation. You may never attain the future situation, so you are loosing the present moment for an hypothetical future. Moreover the mind is rehearsing even in simple situations where there is nothing at stake. So stupid. The mind just loves projecting itself in the future instead of living the present moment. |
A spiritual ego situation : You have a negative thought and
immediately after that you are aware of it and your mind provides
you of a "better" thought, more conforming to what you think it is a
better mind. For example you come across a man in the street and
instantly a thought comes saying “how this man is ugly or this
or that”. Then immediately you are aware of this negative
thought and you replace it with a new "good" one saying some thing
like this “This is a beautiful being created by God, perhaps his
external aspect is not beautiful but God's light is surely shining
within”. And you feel good ! Why is this a pitfall ? Since you are replacing simply a thought by another one ! By and by the so called negative thoughts will be replaced by other “beautiful” ones. What have you done ? You've just create a new ego, a spiritual ego, more subtle, more dangerous ! |
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