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An optical illusion from www.illusions.org Can you see the old and the young woman ? and the old man ? Big nose at right : old man. Little nose at left : young woman |
1- The Shift of Consciousness
What is the Shift of Consciousness ? To give you an example, you can look at the optical illusion in the image above. You can either see a young woman or an old man in the same image. It is the same picture and you use the same eyes, but the consciousness behind the eyes changes the perspective or the angle of vision. And the hole situation is changed.
So the first meaning of Shift Of Consciousness is that you don't have to change anything to the world outside. You change your inner state and the whole world is magically transformed !
In other words, No revolution is needed; but an evolution is a must. Revolutions try to change the individual trough changing society. Which seems to be a great failure if we look to human history. Evolution is just the reverse process. It is focused on the individual. Anything other is a by product.
I'd like to give you another analogy from computer science, to go further in our exploration. Consider the schema below. It shows what a student in a computer science class calls "Shift" of binary numbers :
In the up-left corner of the schema, we have a long sequence of binary digits, 0 or 1. We have also a "reading window" which show us always 8 consecutive digits from the long sequence. A shift or little movement to the right of the "reading window", change the configuration of the bits read. At each step we move by just one digit our "reading window". The result is shown in the second configuration in the up-right. We can repeat this simple movement several times, as it is shown in the third and fourth configurations in the schema. But the result is amazing !
- In the first configuration we can read "00001011", the "decimal value" of this "binary number" configuration is : 11
- After the first shift, we can read "00010110", the new decimal value is 22
- After the second shift, we can read "00101100", the new decimal value is 44
- After the third shift, we can read "01011000", the new decimal value is 88
As stated above, The Shift of Consciousness acts like this : without changing the reality of things; just by modifying our outlook, we can perceive more and more of the reality ... And what seems to be poor, sad or boring reality becomes more and more rich, alive and amazing; with an infinite expansion !
This second analogy leads us to a another characteristic of the "Shift of Consciousness" : It is an infinite evolution. It never ends. The more you go inside, the more is revealed to you. You can also make each step at your own pace. Some persons can have a sudden "big" shift. Others are walking in their own path slowly. But there is no hurry, the eternity is yours..
An important question may arise : "What am I supposed to "see" in reality when a Shift of Consciousness occurs ?" Simply you will realize :
- I'm not my mind nor my emotions. There is a disidentification from mind. Thoughts are now just clouds in an open, blue and infinite sky, which is my own consciousness, my real being.
- In the surface of the ocean, I'm a separate form, a wave distinct from other waves. But if I see deep inside, there is no more waves, no more separation, just a unique, one, whole, big and still ocean. All the forms, human, animal, plant and mineral are just manifestations of the same unique Life or Consciousness.
If all these ideas seems to be a bit abstract, let's see the meaning of ...
2- The Shift of Consciousness in day to day life
As stated above two main feelings happen when there is a Shift of Consciousness : freedom and stillness. Let's see each feeling in more details.
Let's give a concrete example. These days there is an upsurge of violence in middle east and especially in Syria, Gazza and Israel. If you are a supporter of one side or the other, you will sympathize with this or that one. You will even justify killing other people, since the others seems to be just labels : "terrorist", "zionist", "setler", etc. The use of these names transforms, for the mind, some beautiful divine beings into objects, something harmful to get rid of as soon as possible ! The mind judge. The mind divide. The mind kill before any weapon is used. A man cannot kill a live being if he has not already killed him in his mind.
What is the attitude of an awakening human being ? the one who has experience a Shift of Consciousness ? Since he is free from any mind, any judgment, any past history, any concept, he will not accept that a human being harms another one. He can not accept nor justify under any circumstance killing of life. Even if all his neighbours, all his familly, his fellow countrymen, coreligionist have a standpoint in favour of one side in the conflict, he remains free. The individual and the collective mind are not his. He is with life, with love inconditionnaly. He is not any of these labels : muslim, christian, jews, terrorist, zionist, arab, american, moroccan, french, chinese, etc. He is a free liberated man. One with each human being in this earth. One with each living being in this planet. One with anything in the Universe. He is not separated. He is not the form, not the wave. He is the ocean.
One can think that my position is easy since I am living, in Morocco, far from the middle east and the bombing in Gazza or Telaviv. If I am under the bombs, I'll have another outlook. Another discourse.
You may be right. I don't know really how I will react under the bombs and missiles. But I feel that knowing that I am eternal, I will know that the bombs will not kill me. Even if my body goes, I will enjoy another lifetime or simply rest near my Beloved ... until I feel the need to experience another lifetime ...
And this is perhaps the meaning of the saying of Jesus when he was crucified "God, forgive them for they know not what they do". Mansour Hallaj went even further when he was tortured before being beheaded, he laugh and said : "No God, you can not deceive me !" He was seeing God even in those who were torturing and killing him !
I agree, a normal human being is not Jesus Christ nor Mansour Hallaj. But those great beings show us the path, the path of Love. Inconditionnal Love. We can try it. We can forgive. We can not retaliate. We can see the big picture of the whole earth and see that all our wars are stupid. There is no real borders. The politicial divisions, the "historical" nations or countries that humanity and mind has created, are pure nonsense. From space, the earth is one. The Universe is huge, infinite ... And you are this Universe ... You are this Life bubling every where in the galaxy, in the Universe ... All these wars are motivated by stupid arguments, made by stupid men. Let's wake up and see the nonsense of all these stupid conflicts. Let's throw away, all the past, all the history, all the knowledge, all the nonsense. Let's have a new look, an innocent look, a child look... And we will laugh at our stupidity ... Intelligence is not the mind. The real intelligence is in the stillness beyond the mind.
2.1- Freedom
When I am are free of mind, when I am disidentified from my mind, I'm no more concerned with its content. All the knowledge, conditionning of society, religion beliefs are simply ignored and are no more relevant for the liberated being. I don't fight this old content, I don't substitute it by another system or belief. No, I simply watch all this knowledge, this mind content and ignore it as it doesn't exist. Even if it exist in my mind, it is not mine, it is a borrowed knowledge, it is not mine nor it is me. I am just a witness, an observer on the hill. And when I look at things, at situations, at nature, at other human beings, I don't judge, I don't use my mind glasses. No I have a fresh look, an innocent look. And all is suddenly beautiful, alive, glowing with light ...Let's give a concrete example. These days there is an upsurge of violence in middle east and especially in Syria, Gazza and Israel. If you are a supporter of one side or the other, you will sympathize with this or that one. You will even justify killing other people, since the others seems to be just labels : "terrorist", "zionist", "setler", etc. The use of these names transforms, for the mind, some beautiful divine beings into objects, something harmful to get rid of as soon as possible ! The mind judge. The mind divide. The mind kill before any weapon is used. A man cannot kill a live being if he has not already killed him in his mind.
What is the attitude of an awakening human being ? the one who has experience a Shift of Consciousness ? Since he is free from any mind, any judgment, any past history, any concept, he will not accept that a human being harms another one. He can not accept nor justify under any circumstance killing of life. Even if all his neighbours, all his familly, his fellow countrymen, coreligionist have a standpoint in favour of one side in the conflict, he remains free. The individual and the collective mind are not his. He is with life, with love inconditionnaly. He is not any of these labels : muslim, christian, jews, terrorist, zionist, arab, american, moroccan, french, chinese, etc. He is a free liberated man. One with each human being in this earth. One with each living being in this planet. One with anything in the Universe. He is not separated. He is not the form, not the wave. He is the ocean.
One can think that my position is easy since I am living, in Morocco, far from the middle east and the bombing in Gazza or Telaviv. If I am under the bombs, I'll have another outlook. Another discourse.
You may be right. I don't know really how I will react under the bombs and missiles. But I feel that knowing that I am eternal, I will know that the bombs will not kill me. Even if my body goes, I will enjoy another lifetime or simply rest near my Beloved ... until I feel the need to experience another lifetime ...
And this is perhaps the meaning of the saying of Jesus when he was crucified "God, forgive them for they know not what they do". Mansour Hallaj went even further when he was tortured before being beheaded, he laugh and said : "No God, you can not deceive me !" He was seeing God even in those who were torturing and killing him !
I agree, a normal human being is not Jesus Christ nor Mansour Hallaj. But those great beings show us the path, the path of Love. Inconditionnal Love. We can try it. We can forgive. We can not retaliate. We can see the big picture of the whole earth and see that all our wars are stupid. There is no real borders. The politicial divisions, the "historical" nations or countries that humanity and mind has created, are pure nonsense. From space, the earth is one. The Universe is huge, infinite ... And you are this Universe ... You are this Life bubling every where in the galaxy, in the Universe ... All these wars are motivated by stupid arguments, made by stupid men. Let's wake up and see the nonsense of all these stupid conflicts. Let's throw away, all the past, all the history, all the knowledge, all the nonsense. Let's have a new look, an innocent look, a child look... And we will laugh at our stupidity ... Intelligence is not the mind. The real intelligence is in the stillness beyond the mind.
2.2- Stillness
When the Shift Of Consciousness happens, a beautiful stillness pervades the whole body and mind. Why it is so ? When you realize that you're not separated from others. When you know that your essence is the same as the Universe. When you realize that really you're immortal. You've never been born, nor you will die. You are just experiencing the Life in many forms ... in every aspect, in each detail, in all its diversity and beauty ...
When really you realize this,
You just take a cup of tea, coffee or water
You sit down ... relax ... smile ... sip your favorite drink
What a joy ... what a wonderfull feeling
No worry, no mind, no stress, no goals
No heaven, no hell, no judgment day, no torture in the grave
No karma, no nirvana, no enligthenment
No burden, no past, no future
No money, no ambitions, no religions, no rituals
No fight, no struggle, no revolution, no big objectives
Just the present,
The Eternal, beautiful moment, the now
One with the nature, one with every thing
No hurry, no struggle, just a let go
Just live, respond, act ... and let go
with the stream, with the flow
your river will attain the Ocean,
the Source,
Without any effort or struggle, you will arrive
You are eternal and you have eternity
What ever spiritual achievement you gain in this lifetime,
Will not be taken by the coming death
Your real wealth, your spiritual growth
Your progressive awakening,
At your pace,
Is gained forever
Will stay with your essence, and grow with you
In many forms, many bodies
Until you are fully aware
Until you dissolve in your Beloved
When you see what is going on in our mad political and economical world, warefares, economical depressions, etc, you can be saddened. You can lose faith. You can doubt the existence of the showering of Love Energy in our Earth. You can doubt if there is really an acceleration of awakening; if there is really a beautiful coming world based on Love and Harmony with Nature.
Yes you can, but you should not doubt. Trust yourself. Trust humanity. Trust Life.
We are really experiencing a beautiful era in human history. But let me remind you a simple fact : a new birth is always accompanied with suffering and struggle. There is wars, there is suffering and there is all kind of crisis in our world. Yes. But all these situations are just challenges for us. We can change the situations. We can choose the Life. We can make our Shift Of Consciousness. We can open our eyes. And enjoy Life.
You are not alone. There are many beautiful high beings supporting us. There are also many other fellow seekers. Like you in their path to the One. Many paths, but the same Goal. And there is also many, many simple and beautiful human beings, living a simple life, doing their duty, loving their familly, creating things, not harming anyone nor anything and enjoying to be here in this beautiful planet and this beautiful time. Welcome to the New Earth !
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