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The New Earth Source photo : http://wallpaperswide.com/ |
1- The New Earth
The earth as we know it is dying. Upon The Global Footprint Network, to satisfy current humanity demands of natural resources and ecological services, we should have 1,5 planet Earths. If all human are consuming like north Americans, we should have 5 planets ! But we have only one planet Earth ... And we are killing her. If we continue as we are doing today, all earth resources will be exhausted bye the year of 2030 and our planet will definitely die. All Earth blinkers are red : Oceans, Forests, Wild Life, all is collapsing at unprecedented scale. At the human level, all man made systems are collapsing : economic crisis, wars, etc. Moreover, man seems to be unconscious about what really he is doing. The Experts, the Specialists don't agree even on the diagnostic, how can they agree on solutions ? The politicians and businessmen, short term minded, are unable to make the rights decisions.
This is why many sages are talking about New Age, New Earth. Since the old can not continue. He is already dying. Many sages see also in the coming December 21, not only the beginning of a new cycle of the long Mayan calendar, but also a symbolic date of the beginning of the New Age. The birth of the New Earth. Many metaphors are being used, "poles shifting", "Fifth Dimension Lifting", etc. All agree that there is two possible outcomes :
This is why many sages are talking about New Age, New Earth. Since the old can not continue. He is already dying. Many sages see also in the coming December 21, not only the beginning of a new cycle of the long Mayan calendar, but also a symbolic date of the beginning of the New Age. The birth of the New Earth. Many metaphors are being used, "poles shifting", "Fifth Dimension Lifting", etc. All agree that there is two possible outcomes :
- Humankind will fail in this transition. After unthinkable suffering, Earth will die and all mankind with her.
- Humankind will success and start a new era based on Love and Oneness with Nature.
These two possibilities are not two alternatives, if one occurs the other is excluded. Probably both will occur together and are going on already now ... How could that be possible ? The next paragraph is a try to put this possibility into simple words ...
2- Vibration levels
It is well known to human science today that all the universe is some kind of vibrations. At quantum level, the building blocks of matter are energy waves, vibrating at tremendous and imperceptible frequencies. What human science has not yet known is that there are many many other subtle and also higher vibrations. The same reality can be perceived at many levels of vibrations. Our body-mind has a level of vibration allowing him to perceive the World around him, the matter, etc. But we can raise the vibration of the body-mind and access other levels of reality. The highest level of energy is Love Energy, which is sustaining and pervading the whole Universe. This energy is not only beyond the detection capabilities of our instruments but also beyond our current understanding.
It seems also that Earth, as a living entity, has its own consciousness, its own vibration level; and can raise it spontaneously or helped by some very caring superconsciousness. Extra Terrestrial intelligence or soul volunteers incarnated on earth are usually believed to be those supercounsciousness helping us, Earth and human beings, in raising our vibration levels.
What happens to an entity, be it a human being or a planet, when this entity raises its level of vibration ? It has access to another reality, richer, brighter and infinitely better ! It is like making a leap from one dimension to another one ? Can we, for example compare a line (1D) with an area (2D) or this latter with a 3D space ? No, there is no way to compare them with measurable entities. With each dimension, we access an infinitely richer reality. This is why, often, the 5th dimension metaphor is used to bring to our understanding the quantum leap which happens when an entity raises its vibration level.
So, firstly, when an entity raises its vibration, it accesses a far more richer reality. Secondly, the entity may disappear from the lower reality... I'll give an example to help understanding this second idea. In deep meditation, some persons feel they are levitating, the gravity has no more effect on them. When they open their eyes, they find they are still sitting on earth. As soon as they close their eyes, the levitation feeling comes again. But some meditators, not only they feel levitating, but their body also levitate a few centimeters above the ground. So in the former case the meditator has accessed another reality but still his body is on Earth. In the latter case, the body has also accessed the higher reality and leaves the lower one ...
3- The silence of the sages
Let's go back to Earth and our sages being silent. If Earth and many human beings are now, and since a couple of years ago, are continuously and increasingly raising their vibrations, they may have already accessed another realm, another richer reality ... They can also, and they probably have the choice to disappear from our common reality ! What are the consequences of these statements :
- Since we are still on Earth, we can conclude that even if Earth, as a living entity, has already "levitated" to a supra dimension, it has left her "body" with us. Thanks mother Earth ! The sages who have disappeared recently may also have accompanied the Earth in her ascension and left us behind ... Or they may, by compassion, have stayed with us even if they have already accessed to the higher dimension. They are silent but they are still with us.
- We can now understand how the two scenarios described earlier in this article can coexist : an earth with suffering and ultimately death coexisting with a new Earth with Love and Oneness. This is possible if Earth and some human beings raise their vibrations and access another dimension, while the "body" of Earth stay with some other human beings not able to raise their vibrations.
- We can also deduce an amazing consequence : Mother Earth can "liberate" herself by causing some violent cataclysm in her "body". All the humans who already joined her in the upper dimension and have disappeared from our reality, are not affected. But the others died. And the Earth can be liberated and make her "body" join her in the upper dimension ! For The Universe, the death of those humans is not a big problem. They can reincarnate in another planet more suitable for them. Since they are not loving they can continue fighting each others for eons until they wake up. Whereas Earth, now becoming a paradise, can be inherited by those who choose Love. Unconditional Love.
So the silence of the sages could be explained in two manners :
- They have already joined the New Earth in another reality and left us behind.
- The New Earth is already a reality. The sages are already in higher vibration levels. But still, by compassion, they stay with us.
I personally feel that the second explanation is the right one. But why are they silent while approaching the date of 21 December 2012 ?
As said earlier, Earth is receiving since a couple of years Love Energy vibes and it is going crescendo until next 21 December. Another cycle will start but the showering will probably continue. As stated above, the New Earth may be already a reality and some people have probably already joined the new Earth. But many sages stay still with us to be human channels to broadcast energies coming to the earth. Until the last moments they will probably be there to help the largest amount of human beings to make the Shift of Consciousness. Since we are in the final straight, it is no more the time of words. It is the time of meditation, of silence and prayer.
4- We can do it
It is not late to save our Mother Earth and all human beings living on her. It is yet possible to create a new paradise on Earth, to build a new world of Love and Oneness with Mother Earth, with Nature and with the Universe. Why is it yet possible ? The most difficult challenge is not to overcome the harm we made to our Mother Earth. Everything can be reversed. We can clean oceans, repopulate wild life, replant forests, find clean and virtually infinite sources of energy, we can wipe poverty and diseases from earth, etc. But the big challenge is man itself. Man today is violent against Live. Man is destroying himself. Man has made madness, hate and greed his true religion. But the energy of Love is tremendous, far more powerful than the energy of hate or greed. If we attain a "critical mass" of human being who are pure Love; who feel deep in their heart that they are one with all living beings on this earth, we can reverse all the hate in the world into Love and all the greed into altruism. What is this "critical mass" ? 10% ? 30% ? or 50% of world population ? In this matter the quantity does not matter. If a few persons with huge amount of love are there, they can balance all other human beings in earth.
So what are we supposed to do to help establishing the New Earth, the New Era of Love and Harmony ? Here are some guidelines :
- Be Love. Unconditional Love. Showering our Love on every thing, every living being in this earth and in the universe.
- Never be discouraged. Love will ultimately win. We will save almost all human beings on Earth. I know we can't force anyone to be saved if he want to die or to stay in his mind jail. The freewill is an Universal Law that we should respect. But we can still love unconditionally until the last breath ...
- Join our meditations, our prayers to those beautiful beings already helping us and channeling love energy to Earth. There is no little or great soul, we are all equal expressions of God, we have all a tremendous power, an unthinkable power. Since it is unthinkable and we are in the mind, we miss this power. But we should persevere and participate with the amount of awareness we have. By doing so, we will multiply the number of relays channeling Love energy in our World. The New Earth will become closer and closer. And our awareness bigger and bigger.
- Never let the fear enter our heart. We are the strong souls chosen by God, The Universe to be in earth in this critical era of Earth history. You should not fear anything. We will win and end up in the New Earth with all our beloved. If Mother Earth expresses herself in earthquakes, floods or volcanoes, let her do its duty. We will still love her. We will still be with her until the last breath ...
Again you are not supposed to do anything. We have just to be in two important states :
- TO BE. This is Awareness. Your presence is required. Not in the mind, but in the heart. Feel your body, your mind, your emotions, than feel other human beings, other living beings. Feel our mother Earth. To be is to feel, to be aware of life in yourself and then in anything else. So, first you have to be. Then you have ...
- TO BE LOVE. This is Oneness. Love vibrations is the most powerful and subtle energy in the Universe. It sustains and pervade all the Cosmos. To be Love is just to be in harmony with the Universe. It is such a tremendous power. Such a beautiful feeling. Be love doesn't mean to work in charities, to help others, to do this or that. All these things can be a byproduct of Love, but it is not Love. Love has nothing to do with "doing". Love is being. To be Love is to feel deep in your heart that the others are really you in other bodies. Love is the feeling that this tree, that animal or the Earth in its entirety is simply other expressions of Yourself. There is no real border between you and anything in the Universe. This true feeling of oneness is to be Love. So try to be Love by simply see with your heart the divine beauty in anyone, in anything ! Unconditionally. By trying to feel this, the feeling of oneness with the Universe will grow and the Love will grow.
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