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Paradise Bird by Aomori |
these blessed and beautiful days, this fairy tale is my gift for you,
dear reader. Many cultures are celebrating holidays this late
November, early December. Muslims have just celebrated the beginning
of Hijri Calendar culminating with the Day of Ashura, November 24th,
2012. Jews are starting the celebration of Hanukkah, the festival of
Light, yesterday December 8th, 2012. The same day, the Buddhists are
celebrating the Boddhi Day, the Day of Enlightenment. And of course
Christmas is coming soon... But before December 25th and St.
Sylvester's Day, there is the end of the great cycle of Mayan
calendar, some December 21st ... And I would love that you read this
tale before this mythical date. So, enjoy reading my modest holiday
gift for you !
My name is Sami. In my time-line, today is December 9th, 2014 and I'm celebrating my 37th birthday. I'm now living in the new Earth, far more beautiful than any paradise a human being had ever dreamed about before... But I'm not going to talk about this new Earth, since you will soon experience and live it. I have just made a leap, back in the time, of two years to post this story in this blog, this December 9th, 2012, in your time-line. This narrative may looks like a fairy tale, but it is really what happened to me; this unforgettable day of December 21th, 2012. You may believe it or not, it is not so important. But I have a great message for you, dear fellow human : what you will experience these coming weeks, late of December 2012, is too wonderful to be conceptualized by your current mind. Yet the vibrations of your heart will soon overwhelm your mind and "push" it into the next level of consciousness. In this vibration level, you will see, experience, the True Life, the Beauty and Majesty of this World.Fabulous Awakening
I awoke this morning with a strange feeling of peace and stillness. Seldom I sleep without any dream. But this night, it was a dreamless, peaceful, deep relaxing night. Usually I don't use any alarm clock, I wake up spontaneously about one hour before sunrise. That to say about 6:00 am in December. I don't open my eyes immediately, but I enjoy the feeling of the transition between the sleep and the awaken states. I feel in my heart a deep gratitude for this new day, given to me by God, to continue my journey in this planet. I also listen to the sounds surrounding me. The peaceful breathing of my wife beside me, the sound of the tramway passing next to my building, the rustling of my balcony's plants in the morning breeze, etc. I experience this meditation, this listening, while lying in my bed, eyes closed and without any thought. Not a single ripple disturbs the calm lake of my consciousness. But this morning, an unaccustomed deep silence enveloped the room where I woke up. No single sound was heard. Then the first thought of the day came to my mind : "We are The December 21st, 2012 !". In my ordinary state, this thought would raise a lot of others thoughts, emotions and perhaps fear or anxiety. But not this morning. I was too peaceful, too still to be seduced by this thought. I looked aloof at this idea brushing my mind and trying to get my attention, but I remained relaxed, gently centered on my being. So the thought faded on its own and I continued feeling my body, hearing the unusual deep silence surrounding me. I also felt an aliveness and weightlessness in all my body. I enjoyed this feeling for several minutes before, finally, I decided to slowly open my eyes. I knew later that my eyes are opening on the birth of the new World ...
What I saw the moment I opened my eyes this morning is, till now, two years later, very vivid in my memory as if it happened just yesterday. The room was enveloped in the darkness, not a single beam of light filtered from the large window. This darkness with the deep silence enhance more the feeling of stillness and peace. But despite the total darkness, I could see distinctly all the furniture in the room as if I were in the daylight ! It is difficult for me to explain this paradox : a total darkness with a day-like sight ! I could see everything in the minute detail. The objects seems to have their own inner source of light ... their colors were glowing with a beautiful and rich soft light, just illuminating themselves. For example, the reddish-brown color of the commode had now a multitude of beautiful shading and glowing colors, I hadn't seen before. I slowly looked to my wife sleeping like a child beside me. Not only I could see every detail in her lovely face, but her head were surrounded by an aura sparkling with beautiful colors shading from orange to yellow. I knew that every living being is surrounded by an aura, but I never have been capable of seeing it. I had seen photos or pictures of auras but experiencing a real aura is simply marvelous. All the head of my wife was surrounded by this aura, so it was not a circle but a spherical haze of light twinkling with throngs of multicolored beams of light sparkling up to 20 cm above the head. Then, I noticed that my own body was also surrounded by an "auric field", a kind of glowing light of a few centimeters over my skin. I couldn't see with my eyes the larger aura around my head but I felt that I had a beautiful one like my wife. All these surprises didn't affect my calm and stillness. I continued to experience the feeling of silence and ... love. Yes, the air seemed to be charged with love. I can't explain that, but a deep feeling of oneness with everything was pervading all my being. I felt as if there is no real boundary between my body and the rest of the world. It was a continuous of life vibrations, soft, beautiful and so silent ...
The Earth like other similar planets in the Galaxy, periodically, at the beginning of some cosmic cycles, receives a huge amount of Love Energy from the Galaxy, especially from what we call "Black Hole", in the kernel of the Milky Way, our home galaxy. This tremendous Energy is aimed to make some evolution leap in the DNA of the inhabitants of the target planet. This colossal Energy filling the space of the Earth "condensed" at some points with many beautiful and special kind of Life. Like the air when it is charged with steam, in the coolness of the morning, some dewdrops appear on the leaves or on the blades of grass. The same thing happens with Love Energy, it creates some "coolness" producing the creation of Sylphs, Mermaids, Gnomes and other light creatures. But what distinguishes these living beings from the permanent inhabitants of the planets is their inner constitution. This condensation of Love Energy creates a special state of matter, what physicists call Bose-Einstein Condensate, or BEC. This special state of matter is "pure" in the meaning that it has a simple quantum, yet macroscopic, state of energy. In other words, our bodies of human being have very complex quantum states of Love Energy, in the other hand, the fairy tale creatures are made of simple states of the same energy. Also, like dewdrops, these beautiful beings are short living. Like dewdrops gracefully disappear with the ascent of the sun in the sky, these beautiful creatures are gone when Love Energy takes another configuration.
What I saw the moment I opened my eyes this morning is, till now, two years later, very vivid in my memory as if it happened just yesterday. The room was enveloped in the darkness, not a single beam of light filtered from the large window. This darkness with the deep silence enhance more the feeling of stillness and peace. But despite the total darkness, I could see distinctly all the furniture in the room as if I were in the daylight ! It is difficult for me to explain this paradox : a total darkness with a day-like sight ! I could see everything in the minute detail. The objects seems to have their own inner source of light ... their colors were glowing with a beautiful and rich soft light, just illuminating themselves. For example, the reddish-brown color of the commode had now a multitude of beautiful shading and glowing colors, I hadn't seen before. I slowly looked to my wife sleeping like a child beside me. Not only I could see every detail in her lovely face, but her head were surrounded by an aura sparkling with beautiful colors shading from orange to yellow. I knew that every living being is surrounded by an aura, but I never have been capable of seeing it. I had seen photos or pictures of auras but experiencing a real aura is simply marvelous. All the head of my wife was surrounded by this aura, so it was not a circle but a spherical haze of light twinkling with throngs of multicolored beams of light sparkling up to 20 cm above the head. Then, I noticed that my own body was also surrounded by an "auric field", a kind of glowing light of a few centimeters over my skin. I couldn't see with my eyes the larger aura around my head but I felt that I had a beautiful one like my wife. All these surprises didn't affect my calm and stillness. I continued to experience the feeling of silence and ... love. Yes, the air seemed to be charged with love. I can't explain that, but a deep feeling of oneness with everything was pervading all my being. I felt as if there is no real boundary between my body and the rest of the world. It was a continuous of life vibrations, soft, beautiful and so silent ...
Condensation of Energy
Then I felt a living presence in the room; other than my wife. I raise my eyes, and I saw, suspended in the air, a beautiful little "light" being. The creature of light, almost transparent, was about 130 cm tall. It hovered there, in front of me, about 40 cm above the ground. The intelligence was reflected in its smiling face and the goodness was emanating from its entire light being. Its head was surrounded by a huge and beautiful golden aura. Its hair, which was long and silky, golden-blond in color, fell to its shoulders and framed a face that was perfectly oval in shape. Under its blue-mauve eyes and long curled lashes, its nose was well-proportioned and slightly flat at the bottom, which accentuated a perfect mouth.(1) It was not dressed by any kind of garment, but the skin was transparent. Under the skin there were no organs but a kind of little light bubbles circulating through the body. I don't why at this moment the word "Prana" entered my mind. Could these small bubbles materialize the "Life Fluid", called "Prana" by some ancient cultures ? The arms and legs were analogue to human being ones. The light creature had no genital organs and no body hair. It floated in the air, but had no wings. The gravity seemed to have no effect on it. The divine being, with a large smile, transmitted to me telepathically this phrase : "Hi Sami, how are you feeling ?". Surprisingly, I was not shocked by this vision. The feeling of Love pervading my whole being was stronger than any other emotion. I answered by the same way, mentally, "Thank you. I am fine. Who are you beautiful being ?" The smile on the face of this light creature become larger and the answer came in my mind : "I am what your legends call a Sylph, created from pure air". After a little silence, The Sylph continued. "I see that you are a little puzzled, I will give you more precisions, not by words, but I will "send" it to you and you will understand ..." Instantly, I saw clearly in my Mind the scientific explanation of the origin of The Sylph and all those marvelous creatures populating our legends and fairy tales. I will try to put this knowledge into words; as simple as I can.The Earth like other similar planets in the Galaxy, periodically, at the beginning of some cosmic cycles, receives a huge amount of Love Energy from the Galaxy, especially from what we call "Black Hole", in the kernel of the Milky Way, our home galaxy. This tremendous Energy is aimed to make some evolution leap in the DNA of the inhabitants of the target planet. This colossal Energy filling the space of the Earth "condensed" at some points with many beautiful and special kind of Life. Like the air when it is charged with steam, in the coolness of the morning, some dewdrops appear on the leaves or on the blades of grass. The same thing happens with Love Energy, it creates some "coolness" producing the creation of Sylphs, Mermaids, Gnomes and other light creatures. But what distinguishes these living beings from the permanent inhabitants of the planets is their inner constitution. This condensation of Love Energy creates a special state of matter, what physicists call Bose-Einstein Condensate, or BEC. This special state of matter is "pure" in the meaning that it has a simple quantum, yet macroscopic, state of energy. In other words, our bodies of human being have very complex quantum states of Love Energy, in the other hand, the fairy tale creatures are made of simple states of the same energy. Also, like dewdrops, these beautiful beings are short living. Like dewdrops gracefully disappear with the ascent of the sun in the sky, these beautiful creatures are gone when Love Energy takes another configuration.
Dance of Energy
The Sylph told me telepathically "Sami, will you please meet me down stairs, in the street" and it disappeared passing through the wall of my room ! I dressed quickly and take a look to my wife. She was peaceful in a deep asleep. There was no sign of any coming awakening. I printed a light kiss on her lips, got out of the room then I headed towards the flat's door. A few seconds later, I was in the street where The Sylph was waiting for me. The darkness was still total, there wasn't ever the slightest beam of sun's rays from the east, where the sun was in theory about to rise in less than one hour. This time, instead of telepathy, The Sylph talked to me in Moroccan Arabic, my mother tongue : "How are you feeling now, Sami ?". I was about to answer its question when my eyes caught the environment in the street around me ... and I stayed open-mouthed ! The Sylph burst into laughter. It laughed so heartily that I recover a little from my astonishment and painted an shameful smile on my face. Usually at this time of the day, there are cars in the street and some people going to their jobs or coming from the Mosque after doing the first prayer of the day. Instead of that, the street was full of magical creatures, standing, walking or floating in the air ! Some looked like The Sylph I already met. Others, were real mermaids; but are swimming in the air ! Their pretty body, half-woman half-fish was so light that it could float in the air and they were elegantly swimming across the street. In the corner of the street, near the tramway station, a group of Gnomes were laughing and talking to each other in a language unfamiliar to me, but very harmonious; like a beautiful music. There were also human beings like me, but they were strangers for me. I felt that they were coming from distant planets in the galaxy. Some are very big sized, almost three meters tall and others are "normal sized". But all those beings were beautifully framed with a marvelous golden aura. Theirs faces were glowing with beauty and nobility. When a group of those giants passed by me and The Sylph, they addressed to us a large smile. Not knowing how to greet them and not daring touching their divine body, I just closed my eyes and joined my hands in a deep namaste, charged with all my love and blessing. When I opened my eyes, one of them touched slightly my shoulder with his hand. I felt immediately a beautiful fluid traversing my whole being and a feeling of well-being followed.(2) I thanked him telepathically and he continued his walk with his friends talking in their melodious tongue. I also "knew" that this group of giants were coming from a planet called Thiaooba, in a system located in the beautiful constellation of Pleiades.
The magnetic fluid induced in me by the giant E.T., helped me to gather courage and relaunch an already stopped mind. I eventually answered the question of The Sylph. "Yes, I am fine, thank you. But why are those visitors from other planets here ? Where are my fellow citizen gone ? and why the sun is not yet arising ?" The smile of The Sylph became larger, then it answered in Arabic : "Don't worry, you will understand every thing soon. I will transmit all the answers the same way I did before, directly and instantly in your mind. But before that, I'd like to introduce to you a being you met one night ..." At this moment, a blue-mauve horse with a large tail of peacock appeared in front of me. I immediately recognized the horse I saw one night in a vivid dream. I never forget this beautiful animal. It was so real for me even in a dream. I could communicate telepathically with him and, in the dream, I rode his back for a long time in a beautiful mountainous landscape. Sometimes we were on the ground and sometimes we flew in the air without any wings. The gravity simply disappeared for us in this wonderful dream. When I saw the peacock-horse near The Sylph, tears come to my eyes and I started hugging and kissing the horse as if I had met a beloved after a long absence. I could hardly believe that I was really with this lovely horse. I caressed his hair, looked deep into his eyes ... The horse shared his joy with me by jumping and neighing with his melodious voice.
During this period of three days not all people were unconscious. Some human beings, who were enough spiritually advanced, could withstand the huge amounts of Love Energy surging on Earth. Those were fully conscious during these three days. They were needed by the Universe to channel the Love Energy to their fellow in various regions and cultures of the World. Those few chosen are not great or known personalities in the World. Some of them are indeed famous, some great teachers are among them. But most of them are very humble and utterly anonymous in the world. Their Love is huge but their personalities/egos are almost nil. Their Soul is infinite but their knowledge/power is almost non-existent. Dear reader, you may think that those few chosen people were intended to do hard work and suffer to channel Love Energy to the new Earth and its inhabitants ! No at all ! They were present only to celebrate the birth of The New Earth. They were not supposed to do anything. Their only presence was sufficient. Not doing, not thinking. Just being. And celebrating. To share this celebration many human beings from other planets were invited by the Universe to visit Earth at this exact period to share their love, wisdom, joy and celebration with earthlings. During those memorable three days, there was not a single thought, not a single ripple in the surface of the Earth global consciousness. This stillness reached the depths of the Galaxy.
During our journey across the Earth, The Sylph, the Peacock-Horse and I we saw oceans and continents being scanned by a powerful laser beam. Sometimes the earth's crust cracked, a mountain shook, or a huge typhoon arose in the ocean and a few seconds later the calm got back. In the sky I noticed two bright "red suns" in the dark and starless sky. The Sylph explained me that these were two spacecrafts coming from a very advanced civilization in the galaxy. Those spacecrafts were producing the laser beams I saw earlier. One of the spaceships was fixing the damage doing by man to the Environment, cleaning the oceans, rivers and the air, repopulating the forests, seas and continents with flora and fauna, etc. The second spaceship were destroying and wiping the weapons such as atomic bombs, missiles and nuclear plants which are difficult to clean out in the current development of human technology. I understood then the meaning of the prophecy of two suns in the sky ...
During our journey across the world, The Sylph introduces me to many wonderful beings. Some of them were like me, earthlings, others were from various planets and some others were like it, pure creatures of Light. We all enjoy the three celebration days. We sang and danced peacefully. Once the three days were over, all the visitors from other planets went back to their homes and the light beings disappeared like dewdrops in the sun. When the moment of separation with my friend The Sylph arrived, I couldn't hold back my tears. I asked it if I could see it later. It told me that it will loss its light body in few hours. But unlike we, human beings, the light beings don't cross the river of oblivion before incarnating in another body. So it will remember me and I could meet it later, either as a another light being or as an animal. And if it is an animal it would be a horse or a dolphin. Since this day, whenever I come across a horse or a dolphin, I look deep in his eyes searching the soul of my friend The Sylph.
After December 21th, 2012 and the awakening of humanity, military and political leaders were at lost. Most of them were becoming enlightened and understood the stupidity of their former job. Others, less spiritually advanced, were now a minority. Moreover without their weapons and without fanatic and mad people pushing them, they calmed down and try living without hurting other human beings. The job of soldier, politician and sensational journalist disappeared forever. Many other jobs remained but changed radically. For example, schools and teachers, businesses and their bosses had nothing to do with their previous activities.
Let me point out that awakening which followed the three days of December 21th, 2012 was not uniform. Globally the human consciousness increases. Human DNA changed to allow human beings access higher vibrations levels. But no one were forced to walk in his spiritual path faster than its own pace. Since the number of persons who were spiritually advanced were larger than the less spiritually advanced, the entire Earth toggled in the "Light Side of the Force" to borrow an image from Star Wars movie.
Christmas Eve celebrated on December 24th 2012, was the most wonderful and happy holiday ever celebrated so far on the Earth. Our friends from the distant planet, made their two spacecrafts shining two white laser beams, simulating two "white stars" in the sky near Pleiades constellation; each brighter than Venus. All the people in the world saw this phenomenon and recalled them the "Star of Bethlehem". But now, our celebration is double : the birth of the New Earth and the New Humanity. The two "stars" lasted in the sky during one month and disappeared. They were guiding humanity to the Cosmos. They invited us to join the galactic humanity in their celebration of Life. Now the humanity is spiritually ripe to explore the Galaxy and spread Love in the Universe. Certainly the human technology is still rudimentary, but now with its spiritual awakening, it is easier to overcome the old limitations of human technologies. The gravitational well of Earth will be soon overstepped using the anti-gravity vortex near Earth Poles. It will be easier to transport tons of equipments in orbit around the earth using little energy. Anti-matter engines combined with the fallout of the new Theory Of Everything will offer to humanity superluminal travels. Visiting a stellar system located one thousand parsecs from our solar system will be a little trip in the outskirt of our sun.
I don't know, dear reader, if you will be conscious or not during coming 21st, 22nd and 23rd of December 2012. But in each case, be peaceful and grateful to God for his blessing and Love. The New Earth and New Humanity are in progress and have reached the Point of No Return. Peace and Love will win forever. Wars and suffering will disappear forever.
From your golden future,
Casablanca, December 9th, 2014
The magnetic fluid induced in me by the giant E.T., helped me to gather courage and relaunch an already stopped mind. I eventually answered the question of The Sylph. "Yes, I am fine, thank you. But why are those visitors from other planets here ? Where are my fellow citizen gone ? and why the sun is not yet arising ?" The smile of The Sylph became larger, then it answered in Arabic : "Don't worry, you will understand every thing soon. I will transmit all the answers the same way I did before, directly and instantly in your mind. But before that, I'd like to introduce to you a being you met one night ..." At this moment, a blue-mauve horse with a large tail of peacock appeared in front of me. I immediately recognized the horse I saw one night in a vivid dream. I never forget this beautiful animal. It was so real for me even in a dream. I could communicate telepathically with him and, in the dream, I rode his back for a long time in a beautiful mountainous landscape. Sometimes we were on the ground and sometimes we flew in the air without any wings. The gravity simply disappeared for us in this wonderful dream. When I saw the peacock-horse near The Sylph, tears come to my eyes and I started hugging and kissing the horse as if I had met a beloved after a long absence. I could hardly believe that I was really with this lovely horse. I caressed his hair, looked deep into his eyes ... The horse shared his joy with me by jumping and neighing with his melodious voice.
Birth of New Earth
The Sylph transmitted me the answers of my questions instantly and we departed for a journey around the World. I rode my horse in the air and The Sylph "flying" beside me. The Sylph explained me in its instant "transmission" that the Earth has entered temporarily in an upper dimension. In this dimension, there is no sun. In fact, Earth and all inhabitants disappeared from the solar system for three stellar days. I understood why many channels and mediums predicted 3 days of darkness... During this period of ascension of the earth to the upper dimension, most of people and animals will be unconscious, in a state sleep-alike, but more peaceful and dreamless. They will join their "higher selves" or "the heaven" for a little rest, while their bodies will receive a kind of "surgery" of their DNA. The Universe is preparing The New Humanity for The New Earth. In the Evolutionary Biology, scientists had coined the word "saltation" to designate a leap in the evolution of a species from one generation to another one. A new saltation in the human being DNA was in progress during those three days following the December 21th, 2012. After that, people will wake up without noticing any change in their clocks and calendars. But the change in DNA will be noted by the biologists sequencing the human genome. This remind me the suspension of a virtual machine in a modern computer. All the applications running on a virtual machine are suspended for a more or less long time; then resumed. For those applications, the time has stopped, but not for the "host system", where the virtual machine is running. The environment can be radically changed, but only noticed afterwards, when the virtual machine is resumed.During this period of three days not all people were unconscious. Some human beings, who were enough spiritually advanced, could withstand the huge amounts of Love Energy surging on Earth. Those were fully conscious during these three days. They were needed by the Universe to channel the Love Energy to their fellow in various regions and cultures of the World. Those few chosen are not great or known personalities in the World. Some of them are indeed famous, some great teachers are among them. But most of them are very humble and utterly anonymous in the world. Their Love is huge but their personalities/egos are almost nil. Their Soul is infinite but their knowledge/power is almost non-existent. Dear reader, you may think that those few chosen people were intended to do hard work and suffer to channel Love Energy to the new Earth and its inhabitants ! No at all ! They were present only to celebrate the birth of The New Earth. They were not supposed to do anything. Their only presence was sufficient. Not doing, not thinking. Just being. And celebrating. To share this celebration many human beings from other planets were invited by the Universe to visit Earth at this exact period to share their love, wisdom, joy and celebration with earthlings. During those memorable three days, there was not a single thought, not a single ripple in the surface of the Earth global consciousness. This stillness reached the depths of the Galaxy.
During our journey across the Earth, The Sylph, the Peacock-Horse and I we saw oceans and continents being scanned by a powerful laser beam. Sometimes the earth's crust cracked, a mountain shook, or a huge typhoon arose in the ocean and a few seconds later the calm got back. In the sky I noticed two bright "red suns" in the dark and starless sky. The Sylph explained me that these were two spacecrafts coming from a very advanced civilization in the galaxy. Those spacecrafts were producing the laser beams I saw earlier. One of the spaceships was fixing the damage doing by man to the Environment, cleaning the oceans, rivers and the air, repopulating the forests, seas and continents with flora and fauna, etc. The second spaceship were destroying and wiping the weapons such as atomic bombs, missiles and nuclear plants which are difficult to clean out in the current development of human technology. I understood then the meaning of the prophecy of two suns in the sky ...
During our journey across the world, The Sylph introduces me to many wonderful beings. Some of them were like me, earthlings, others were from various planets and some others were like it, pure creatures of Light. We all enjoy the three celebration days. We sang and danced peacefully. Once the three days were over, all the visitors from other planets went back to their homes and the light beings disappeared like dewdrops in the sun. When the moment of separation with my friend The Sylph arrived, I couldn't hold back my tears. I asked it if I could see it later. It told me that it will loss its light body in few hours. But unlike we, human beings, the light beings don't cross the river of oblivion before incarnating in another body. So it will remember me and I could meet it later, either as a another light being or as an animal. And if it is an animal it would be a horse or a dolphin. Since this day, whenever I come across a horse or a dolphin, I look deep in his eyes searching the soul of my friend The Sylph.
Birth of the New Humanity
December 24th for me, December 21th in the earth calendars, I was a little sad but I forgot my sadness when my family, my friends and all the human beings woke up. Their eyes are now peaceful, their heart pervaded by a silence and stillness never experienced before. They saw the new world with amazing and childish eyes. The joy and happiness were everywhere. During the few weeks following the December 21th, 2012, all the old monetary, financial, economical and political systems made by the old mind collapsed like a house of cards. Lot of people lost their jobs, the money lost its value ... but who cared ? The humans were too still, too self contented to be disturbed by such events. Instead of money, people try now to exchange their goods and services. In the beginning it was a real chaos; but everybody laughed at this chaos instead of being angry. We made jokes about the chaos and every one love hearing the last one. We really laughed heartily. Gradually things were getting better. New ideas were found to share commodities at the scale of the planet, without monetary system, without greed, without pollution and without waste.After December 21th, 2012 and the awakening of humanity, military and political leaders were at lost. Most of them were becoming enlightened and understood the stupidity of their former job. Others, less spiritually advanced, were now a minority. Moreover without their weapons and without fanatic and mad people pushing them, they calmed down and try living without hurting other human beings. The job of soldier, politician and sensational journalist disappeared forever. Many other jobs remained but changed radically. For example, schools and teachers, businesses and their bosses had nothing to do with their previous activities.
Let me point out that awakening which followed the three days of December 21th, 2012 was not uniform. Globally the human consciousness increases. Human DNA changed to allow human beings access higher vibrations levels. But no one were forced to walk in his spiritual path faster than its own pace. Since the number of persons who were spiritually advanced were larger than the less spiritually advanced, the entire Earth toggled in the "Light Side of the Force" to borrow an image from Star Wars movie.
Christmas Eve celebrated on December 24th 2012, was the most wonderful and happy holiday ever celebrated so far on the Earth. Our friends from the distant planet, made their two spacecrafts shining two white laser beams, simulating two "white stars" in the sky near Pleiades constellation; each brighter than Venus. All the people in the world saw this phenomenon and recalled them the "Star of Bethlehem". But now, our celebration is double : the birth of the New Earth and the New Humanity. The two "stars" lasted in the sky during one month and disappeared. They were guiding humanity to the Cosmos. They invited us to join the galactic humanity in their celebration of Life. Now the humanity is spiritually ripe to explore the Galaxy and spread Love in the Universe. Certainly the human technology is still rudimentary, but now with its spiritual awakening, it is easier to overcome the old limitations of human technologies. The gravitational well of Earth will be soon overstepped using the anti-gravity vortex near Earth Poles. It will be easier to transport tons of equipments in orbit around the earth using little energy. Anti-matter engines combined with the fallout of the new Theory Of Everything will offer to humanity superluminal travels. Visiting a stellar system located one thousand parsecs from our solar system will be a little trip in the outskirt of our sun.
My story ends here. It may appear unbelievable or too good to be true, but it is the truth. What you will experience in coming weeks is far more beautiful than any narrative, any good prophecy. All prophecies of doomsday occurring a December 21st, 2012 are simply a misunderstanding. The three days of darkness are really days of light. The two suns in the sky, planet X or Nibiru are misinterpretation of friendly spacecrafts. All the destructions felt by some channels are meant to construct a better world, more friendly towards Nature.I don't know, dear reader, if you will be conscious or not during coming 21st, 22nd and 23rd of December 2012. But in each case, be peaceful and grateful to God for his blessing and Love. The New Earth and New Humanity are in progress and have reached the Point of No Return. Peace and Love will win forever. Wars and suffering will disappear forever.
From your golden future,
Casablanca, December 9th, 2014
(1) The description of The Sylph in the paragraph "Fabulous Awakening" is inspired and sometimes literally borrowed from the description of Thao in the beautiful book "Thiaooba Prophecy" by Michel Desmarquet.
(2) Ibid. See Latoli gift.
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